Friday, May 3, 2024

We'll Sing in the Sunshine

We'll laugh everyday

Welcome to May Grey!! Earth Day??? KISS MY ASS HIPPIES...what do you call a hippie's wife? Mississippi!!! hahahah

I told ya Kristi Noem was a psycho but you did't listen...

it is National Parks month and of course the NPS is busy trying to kill all and every non-native species...they are poisoning lakes, dandelions, shooting horses from helicopters and if you live in South Dakota and don't like the family dog, you can take it to the gravel pits and shoot it like wacky SD gov Kristi Noem did.. I bet when Wendy invited Kristi to the Reagan Ranch Center for a Round table luncheon years ago, she dint know Kristi was a puppy killer!!

here's a picture of Kristi when she was at the Reagan Ranch Center on State St some years ago..this was back when Wendy was Wendy P McCaw, hot stuff...

now Kristi said she killed Cricket because she has the right stuff to make tough decisions as VP, that is she was trying to impress Trump!!

but according to one South Dakota resident, Randee Huber:

"Tough" is when you have to put down an animal you love because it's suffering. That's tough. Murdering your own dog because you refuse to train or rehome him and you "hate" him isn't tough, it's psychopathic"

Donald the Menace

it will be up to the independents to make certain these clowns lose their elections going forward, so I hope Traitor Trump picks Kristi as his running mate..

that would be entertaining!

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Go Away, Little Girl

before I beg you to stay

the price of gold has gone up and so has the price of freedom, but I bought me a triangle and I play it every morning for peace, a harmonic convergence of sorts...I like how it rings...

has anybody seen my library card?? when is Earth Day? everyday!!

when times are tough, you go to the pawn shop and sell your stuff and Wendy sold the News-Press website for a mere 280 grand! She can still buy a Tesla cyber truck...

it appears we have a schroom bloom going on around here, the roadsides..big mushrooms popping up...Caltrans probably didn't realize that when they prepared the soil for the native plantings, they created a sort of compost condition where mushrooms would thrive...warm and moist...

they sprayed the ground with  green liquid fertilizer in trucks, covered the soil with tons of woodchips to outsmart the weeds, but weeds always grow back..then they spray poison on the woodchips and weeds!

and now we got giant mushrooms!

I believe there's a fungus among us...

Thursday, March 21, 2024

L.A. Woman

L.A. woman, Sunday afternoon

congrats to Roy Lee, new 1st District supe....maybe Das will run for Carp City Council!! I see Hilary Hauser is stepping down as head of Heal the Ocean...Hilary always reminded me of Ron Wood, fab guitar player with the Faces and Rolling Stones...

here's an alarming post I saw on Next Door Neighbor: Carpinteria’s beautiful Bluffs Nature Preserve needs your help!

Events aimed at restoring native plant species to the popular preserve will be held on three Saturdays, April 6, May 4, and May 18, from 9 a.m. to noon. Organized by the City of Carpinteria and CivicSpark, the restoration events will rely on volunteers to help remove non-native and invasive plant species and replant with native plants. If you’re interested in joining us, please RSVP to <a href=""></a> or come meet us at the Bailard Avenue Parking Lot on the day of the event. Tools and snacks will be provided, but please bring sun protection and gloves. See you then!

NO NO NO!!! Stop this nonsense...Nature disperses seeds in the wind and Spring brings us the blooms...planting natives at the Bluffs will restore nothing! just let all the plants grow and die of their own accord...bees and birds don't care if a plant is labeled native or non-native...and there's no plants invading anybody on the Bluffs

and for Christsakes, clean up after your dogs!!

Saturday, March 2, 2024


Let your mind go, let yourself be free

Freedom, Freedom, Freedom, Freedom!!

I vote, therefore I am


now I don't care who you vote wanna vote for a clown, then vote for a clown

I voted by mail and according to the MAGA folks, I committed fraud...what a bunch of dummies! Steve Garvey, the great Dodger 1st baseman is running, he's a conservative but is he MAGA?? Time will tell... Schiff and Garvey will face off in ball!!

Katie Porter's emails are annoying!! Katie LOST but said the election was Katie, you just lost, now go away

Locally, I've had enough of Das...saw his daddy putting up campaign signs on gov't property...Das sold out to the drug dealers with the pro-cannabis cheerleading...the city truck came out a week later and removed the signs...voters need to remove Das Williams and I'm voting for Uncle Chen who sits on the Carp City council, he's a small business owner and all-around affable guy who can check the growth and pot industry...Das was once a good representative, but he's morphed into El Chapo

so Roy Lee beat Das! wowee..well, Das, you can always run for governor...I see Mike Roy was courted by the ring net people...don't hook the taxpayers for another net boondoggle! the ring nets DON'T WORK!!!

Salud is ok...don't always agree with him but he's a good politician.. 

Monique Limon is good...I'll vote for her solely because of her raging beauty! 

Gregg Hart is pro-growth from all I've seen..I mean really, a 12-million-dollar bike path in Carp??  'bye Gregg! oh well, Gregg won

Look Gregg! Appalling sex activities on the SCL bikepath!!

now I want ever'one to put on your thinking caps and VOTE!!!

Sunday, February 18, 2024

Cowgirl In the Sand

Hello, cowgirl in the sand

I see a Toyota pickup truck going up the highway displaying a TAKE AMERICA BACK-TRUMP 2024 flag and a FUCK BIDEN flag, and an American flag...I took a picture and they honked a few times...

In the first place, how do you take America back from Americans?? it's preposterous

secondly, FUCK BIDEN is a rather juvenile sentiment

thirdly, why not drive an American made truck to prove you're not a globalist??

The decal on the truck read BRUCE BOYER FOR CONGRESS...he thinks he's a cowboy...but has he ever stayed on an avocado ranch in Carpinteria, in Olive Carey's old pink bungalow, where she once entertained the likes of John Wayne and Robert Mitchum?? well, I have so I'm the cowboy, not Bruce...

However, I do like the old-time politicking...the bumper stickers, the trucks with flags, the horns, the loudspeakers, the color and the noise...

and the cowgirls

Saturday, February 3, 2024

Call Of the Wild

“He was mastered by the sheer surging of life, the tidal wave of being"

I am happy to see studies debunking the myth that non-native species are bad news... as I've said many times, bio-nativism is a pseudo-science:

An unscientific bias against “feral” or “invasive” animals threatens to undercut one of the great stabilizing trends making ecosystems healthier, a new paper argues.

Introduced species such as feral pigs, horses, donkeys and camels represent a powerful force of “rewilding”  — the reintroduction of wild animals into ecosystems where humans had eradicated them — according to a study published Thursday in Science.

I had taken a break from going on my walk, and enough time had passed for a “restoration” crew to come along and degrade the landscape I loved. Many of the trees had been cut, sprayed with herbicide, and marked with red spray paint.

and of course, the Channel Islands restorations are a total bust...keep that in mind when they start killing mule deer with snipers in helicopter on Catalina Island later this year...

"For years, environmental conservationists have waxed poetic about the benefits of landscaping with native vegetation. Native plants attract birds to your yard, are easy to care for, are not invasive, and naturally foster biodiversity. While it's undeniable that native vegetation has its perks — just ask a monarch butterfly — deep down, all these green benefits hide their fair share of grays, half-truths, and innocent lies. Native plants aren't the end-all, know-all ecological solution that they're touted to be, and that's because it's hard to get a grip on what truly makes a native plant... native."

LORD HAVE MERCY ON TREES: In parts of California and much of the Great Basin, landowners have declared war on pinyon pines and juniper trees, clearing them from rangelands with chains, bulldozers, saws and herbicides. At the same time, the trees are drawing increasing interest as a source of renewable energy — such as in California's Lassen County, where 150,000 tons of the trees are fed into the Honey Lake Power Plant each year to generate energy for customers including San Diego Gas & Electric.

this idiocy must stop!!!

Big storms approaching this weekend...a big'un is coming! 

big storms came and went...they were cool!

Evacuation warnings, high wind warnings, flash flooding, debris flows and landslides. 

I watched the trees bend...I stocked up on supplies: some blackened chicken and a few bottles of a nice red blend...and some blankets...

my companions-the hoot owls, the coyotes, the vultures-will be singing songs of the woods and marshes...

they are my sentries

Monday, January 22, 2024

The Mickey Mouse Club


see you real soon


why? because we like you


Good job Mickey and Daffy, knocking this imbecile DeSantis out of the presidential race...

In Florida, they're banning books, encyclopedias, dictionaries, and college level sociology courses...dictionary porn!!! clowns

In California, "Assembly Bill 734 would phase in a ban, first prohibiting children under 6 from playing tackle football starting in 2025, and working up to bar those younger than 12 by 2029. It must pass on the Assembly floor by the end of the month if it’s going to eventually make its way through the state Senate to Gov. Gavin Newsom’s desk"...he said he'd veto otherwise kids will grow to be stoners! They need constructive recreation opportunities because it's fun to get dirty and learn social skills...but really, how many five-year-olds are playing tackle football???

The Supreme Court handed Biden a victory and told Texas to remove the razor wire at the border, by the beautiful Rio Grande...I remember the demonstrations in De La Guerra Plaza over Wendy and Nipper's racist headlines about "illegals" at the DMV, and how Nipper was friends with the vigilante border group, the Minutemen... the group consisted of child killers and pedophiles!!

Herman, Bob, Bruce, Allan and Nipper

here's a picture I saw on facebook..there's Nipper with Herman (Peter Noone) and some other shady characters...

say "hey" to Wendy for me, Nipper!