yabba dabba doo!!
alot of these guys proclaiming gov't conspiracies and coverups are certified whackjobs who have never held a real job in their lives!!
so there's this hothead Hollywood producer Alex D'Andrea - movie actor Stephen Baldwin's business partner-who sent his daughter to the Weil Ojai Tennis Acadamy and when she got expelled, he freaked out!!! like Lance freaked out when he got arrested...and anyone who's dumb enough to be Stephen Baldwin's business partner deserves some scrutiny...
last year Stephen Baldwin ( the least talented one who last starred in the Flintstones as Barney Rubble!)) went bankrupt, found religion, said he was being bullied and asked people to send him money! (CBS) A website is appealing to visitors to donate money to what it says is a noble cause - helping actor Stephen Baldwin.
RestoreStephenBaldwin.orgclaims that the actor's 2002 conversion to evangelical Christianity hurt his career opportunities and led to him file for bankruptcy in 2009. The website hopes to bring in donations to help restore the actor to popularity so he can spread Christianity to the masses.
The site compares Baldwin to a modern-day Job, the biblical figure who lost his family and wealth but remained faithful to God. The money donated through the website goes "directly into [Baldwin's] bank account," according to the site's Q&A section. The actor needs this "personal wealth," it claims, because "Stephen's influence is in Hollywood. Hollywood worships money and without it you are seen as a loser and cannot be an effective influence to this group."
The teen, D'Andrea's daughter was expelled, according to Weil's lawyer, "because Mr. D'Andrea was a hothead and impossible to deal with, especially when it came to issues of money."
D'Andrea's lawyer said the dismissal came after D'Andrea started asking Weil questions because he was "constantly being hit up by Mr. Weil to pay more and more and more...
Whatever the reason, the teen's dismissal was meant to be kept private, according to a confidential settlement agreement obligating D'Andrea not to disparage the academy in exchange for a $28,500 refund
now, this D'Andrea guy has a blog with some interesting comments about conspiracies and gov't corruption..and the Attorney General....and comments about how Peter Lance has uncovered a huge corruption scandal in Sanata Barbara..oh really..where??
from D'Andrea's blog:
I'd like to tell everyone that at this time the AG is communicating with Senator of that district, along with the Governor, in investigating Ojai/Ventura. Furthermore, Congressman Henry Waxman has his own federal investigation.
Learn your lessons quickly and move on, as that is what I am doing. I hope that you never experience what has happened to me for being a "whistle blower" when it involved egregious acts from a City/County that has not been proactive with justice and our rights as American citizens.
commenter from D'Andrea's blog: how was allowed to happen, Keep a vigilant watch on the situation. Award winner investigative journalist Peter Lance has a lot to say about the rampant corruption. It always take one motivated & cultured people to get the truth whether it be convenient or not...
So, Jamarah, Kamala and the whole gang in Sacramento, while you are sipping on your Latte's know that we have the ability to recall the Governor and you all since you have proven to be so inept. You have unfortunately to deal with the consequences of your inaction and your only goal is to have been re-elected. Your past performance should have been a warming. Change the dreadful course you"re on simply pick up the phone & look into the corrupt District Attorneys and Sherriffs of Cities of Ojai (City Councilman Blatz) could help you in explaining how much is being done behind the scenes in concert with (P.D Chief Chris Dunn) BTW interesting that Ojai City Attorney of 31 years has retired when his constituents were on him. Look into Ventura CO DA Gregory L. Totten also. you have a "hot potato off your hands". The more you dig in your heels the more the people are going to want YOU out and clean up in the Republic of California. Thanks for taking time to read. As an American I"m outraged you have allowed California to get here. Good Luck Mr. D'Andrea & Mr.Lance!
commenter: Governor Brown: The collusion and corruption in Santa Barbara, Ojai/Ventura and Oxnard has mushroomed. It didn"t happen overnight. You can't blame the past administration as Obama is doing as you were the AG and allowed this egregious state of affairs, you think your officials get away "scott free". Watch how Santa Barbara's corruption, graft & collusion is going to blow its lid today and in the weeks ahead. Do you really think you can muzzle the will of the people and take away their constitutional rights of free speech & also the special amendment of the press. Simply because the flagrant truth became "inconvenient"... You allowed it to mushroom as AG, you used the City of Bell situation as a ubiquitous platform. All the while, on a wing and a prayer used your political name to be governor again. You have heard of the saying, "leopards don't change their spots". Well, so far, neither you nor your officials Kamala Harris have been doing anything in regards to Ojai/Ventura Corruption. Judging by your record up to now, I encourage people to follow what corruption is being uncovered in Santa Barbara, the insane attempt of the State Govt to muzzle the press, the dirty DUI's perpetrated by Police and Sheriff on good citizens whose wives happen to have the right amount of cash and connection to bribe your cops to issue DUI's to men who are going through divorce so that they lose custody of their children. It's documented......
D'Andrea: To everyone who has been asking me what the Attorney General and Governor Brown have been doing regarding collusion/corruption in Ojai/Ventura, the answer is naught.
In an effort to promote transparency and ease of communication with our government officials, here are the key numbers for you to call:
Governor Jerry Brown's office, Chief of Staff Nancy McFadden: 916-445-0796
Attorney General Kamala Harris' office, Chief of Staff: 916-324-5435
Senator Strickland's office, Chief of Staff Chris Wangsaporn: 805-306-8886
Maybe then these officials can contact Christman Kelley Clarke law firm at 972-253-4440 and Sanger & Swysen law firm (the famous law firm who handled Michael Jackson in Ventura) at 805-962-4887.
...frivolous lawsuits, complaints by wannabe stars and starlets, losers and drama queens...in the name of Jesus....just silliness!