Hey! said my name is called disturbance
ok now that the Lance case is off the docket, but not off the books yet...there's still more trouble for the investigative reporter....and I'll be watching.. I think that Lance and Genis were down to two options...pleading no contest or the Hail Mary pass with the 4th Amendment issue..either way, they know that the evidence against LAnce was overwhelming esp after Kasi Beutel's testimony, so they tried the 4th Amendment thing..and Judge Hill fell for it..probably to their surprise too....

but there's another guy who will be busy in court...Tony DeNunzio, who was pulled over in the Gelson's parking lot and arrested much to the objections by some yuppiemuppiewuppies who were interfering with a police stop.....the News-Press has a new boy to protect..this nut Denunzio!! but you should NEVER interfere woth a police stop....it's very dangerous for the cop and you!! if you got a problem with a cop, call the cops!! hahahahahah
hey... but Tony's got some court dates for the DUI, probation violation, driving on a suspended license and a domestic violence issue...
11/29/2011 - 8:30 am 1294713 Tony Vincent Denunzio Motion: Brian E Hill SB2 11/29/2011 - 8:30 am 1294713 Tony Vincent Denunzio Motion: Brian E Hill SB2 11/28/2011 - 8:30 am 1294713 Tony Vincent Denunzio Probation Violation Arraignment James E Herman SB8 11/28/2011 - 8:30 am 1400266 Tony Vincent Denunzio Arraignment on Complaint James E Herman SB8
well Genis..why not try the 4th Amendment thing NOW instead of a year from now....gee Judge Hill, my client's right were violated by Officer Tudor....just because Tony was drunk and driving erratically, driving on a suspended license and under investigation for domestic violence, he's just an all American guy who drinks too much and beats the shit out of the wife..what's wrong with that..half those bitches deserve it anyway....yeah..that's the defense I'd use!!!
seriously, Officer Tudor sat in front of me at the last Lance hearing and looked like he just graduated from Westmont! not exactly the image of a rogue cop who goes around beating people up...
but according to the News-Press guestatorial freak Terry Tyler, we should great respect for the yuppiewuppies who interfered with the police arrest of DeNutzio!! Terry started off by claiming he cares about children and wants to prevent sexual abuse...and people should never look away and went on to say we should respect the brave people who stood up to the powerful police dept and interfered with the arrest of Mr DeNunzio...
and does Terry know his boss Wendy had THOUSANDS OF IMAGES OF CHILD PORN ON HER COMPANY COMPUTER?? and she just looked away..and blamed someone else...