Sunday, September 30, 2012

Just Like a Woman

nobody feels any pain

there's nothing glamorous about drugs so any attempt to legalize them is stupid... creating more ways to escape reality and shirk your civic responsibilites doesn't make sense to me..and the graveyards are full of those who drugged out way too young...

Notes on Edie Sedgwick

drugs are not romantic except perhaps in the case of Edie Sedgwick where they are an extension of her....Edie was a  mythical romantic figure if there ever was one

a Santa Barbara refugee from a wealthy family......Edie was a young blonde with an incredible spirit..a spoiled rich kid who was extraordinarily beautiful and wild...a friend of Andy Warhol and Bob Dylan..a fixture on the New York art actress, fashion model, socialite..if you're gonna do that, do it..Edie was the real deal from a crazy family...

Edie Sedgwick (1966)
(photo: Billy Name)
Edie Sedgwick's father was Francis Minturn Sedgwick (1904-1967), a Santa Barbara rancher who had three nervous breakdowns prior to his marriage in 1929 to Edie's mother Alice Delano De Forest. Before the marriage, Alice's father visited Francis Sedgwick's doctors at the Austen Riggs Center in Stockbridge Massachusetts, where he was recovering from a phase of manic-depressive psychosis. Alice's father was advised by Francis's doctor at the psychiatric clinic that Francis and Alice should not have any children.

Bobby Neuwirth:
Bobby Dylan and I occasionally ventured out into the poppy nightlife world. I think somebody who had met Edie said, 'You have to meet this terrific girl.' Dylan called her, and she chartered a limousine and came to see us. We spent an hour or two, all laughing and giggling, having a terrific time. I think we met in the bar upstairs at the Kettle of Fish on MacDougal Street, which was one of the great places of the Sixties. It was just before the Christmas holidays; it was snowing, and I remember we went to look at the display on Houston Street in front of the Catholic church... Edie was fantastic. She was always fantastic."

but Edie drugged out and died young ...she was the inspiration for Bob Dylan's seminal 60s album Blonde on Blonde..."Just Like a Woman" was said to be written about her...with her fog, her amphetamine and her, to understand the kind of woman Edie was, you need to listen to that song...and maybe have felt like that about a girl once in your life...that song is a masterpiece...Edie Sedgwick was a masterpiece....a sad work of art...

Bob Dylan's album Blonde on Blonde was released on May 16, 1966. One of the women featured on the inner sleeve was Edie Sedgwick. Some of the songs were rumored to be about Edie. And Andy.

"She [Edie] said, 'They're [Dylan's people] going to make a film and I'm supposed to star in it with Bobby [Dylan].' Suddenly it was Bobby this and Bobby that, and they realized that she had a crush on him. They thought he'd been leading her on, because just that day Andy had heard in his lawyer's office that Dylan had been secretly married for a few months - he married Sarah Lownds in November 1965... Andy couldn't resist asking, 'Did you know Edie that Bob Dylan has gotten married?' She was trembling. They realized that she really thought of herself as entering a relationship with Dylan, that maybe he hadn't been truthful"

Edie was a mythical figure walking around Santa Barbara... she had mental issues..and back then you couldn't help but run into people in her circle..of course I did, too

"She was hospitalized again in August of 1969 in the psychiatric ward of Cottage Hospital after being busted for drugs by the local police. While in hospital she met another patient, Michael Post, who she would later marry.

Edie married Michael Post on July 24, 1971. She stopped drinking and taking pills until October when pain medication was given to her to treat a physical illness. She remained under the care of Dr. Mercer who prescribed her barbiturates but she would often demand more pills or say she had lost them in order to get more, often combining them with alcohol.

On the night of November 15, 1971, Edie went to fashion show at Santa Barbara Museum, a segment of which was filmed for the television show An American Family, Lance Loud had already met Edie before on a beach in Isla Vista and she spoke to him in the lobby "drawn" by the cameras.

After the fashion show Edie attended a party and was verbally attacked by one of the guests who called her a heroin addict. The guest was so loud that she was asked to leave. Edie rang Michael who arrived at the party and could see that Edie had been drinking.

Eventually, they left the party, went back to their apartment where Michael gave Edie the medication that had been prescribed for her and they both fell asleep. When Michael woke up the following morning at 7:30, Edie was dead. The coroner registered her death as Accident/Suicide due to a Barbiturate overdose.
the next moring she was dead after a party the previous night..I wonder if Alexander, Nipper's son, had an Edie Sedgwick complex??

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Gold Dust Woman

better put your kingdom up for sale...

drug cartel??
ok so we know that Wendy and Nipper are liars..and their officers are liars...Steepleton (just look at the Lance coverage!!) and Katich the nutjob Christian flake

the NLRB has confirmed this yet again...but Wendy being a recipient of a large divorce settlement seems only to understand one thing:

so as we sway in and out of court hearings on these matters, I would suggest some all the affected employees no longer working at the News-Press,..I know going back is out of the question as many folks have moved on to better things with better I say take Wendy's money and run...whatever settlement is doled out, take it...the News-Press has been neutralized under Wendy's control and my scrutiny!!

she has no credibility left except to the folks blinded by her gold dust that she sprinkles in their eyes like the Sandman sprinkles stardust in children's see Wendy is one of the biggest recipients of redistributed wealth I've ever seen..she redistributed her ex-husbands money into her bank account under divorce laws!! talk about entitlement!!!

now some of the real journalists who were fired at the News-Press are teaming with another rich gal Sarah Miller McCune to launch a publishing venture....ok so now I hear that there may be a good nonprofit out there..the Santa Barbara Foundation...I guess it depends on who is involved in all these things but here's an interesting paper news loses its importance, online journalism has taken off like rocket...
"This is an exciting opportunity for the people and communities of this county," said Ronald V. Gallo, President & CEO of the Santa Barbara Foundation. "This initiative will provide much-needed additional depth to the able coverage of local and regional news already offered by our media community. It is unarguable that a more informed citizenry demands better public policy and contributes mightily to a strong democracy."

Originally the brainchild of five local citizens, Melinda Burns, a former senior writer for the Santa Barbara News-Press; Richard Flacks, a professor emeritus of sociology at the University of California, Santa Barbara; Hap Freund, formerly head of Santa Barbara Channels community television; Abe Peck, professor emeritus of journalism in service at Northwestern University; and Warren Schultheis, the creator and founder of City 2.0, a local blog network. SBJI was conceived as a complement to local, county news, gaining local and national support for independent, in-depth reporting. The Santa Barbara Foundation, the Fund for Santa Barbara, the James S. Bower Foundation, and the McCune Foundation were the primary providers of seed money for the research that went into the successful proposal receiving the grant from the Knight Foundation.

I've uncovered information that suggests Nipper's son was going thru a heroin recovery program at a pricy midwest detox center.. the way he died, he supposedly had a party in his quarters and was found dead in bed the next morning....Scott? is this true and where is the story??

these are interesting points that I will explore later..just how many drugs are hidden behind the walls of the News-Press??

ok so *next week in a desperate attempt to boost sales and deflect attention from this drug issue, the News-Press, a corrupt and law breaking local business, will feature a five part series by Mr. Skinny Tuxedo Peter Lance about his DUI arrest last year with more nonsense about being framed, set up, etc.....that makes a total of about 25 parts so far and he still hasn't proven anything!! just another drunk-a-logue from Pete! *I could be wrong, but I heard this on the Mr. Wimpy Show (Worthen One on One) last night..Lance was on and it could have been an older show
so we'll see if the series shows up in the NP next week or not...
and coming up
8:30 am
Cappello & Noel LLP vs Ampersand Publishing LLC et al..

Friday, September 28, 2012

blind faith

here's a comment that I thought I'd highlight today....

true or false


The National Labor Relations Board today confirmed a thorough determination by a federal Administrative Law Judge, Clifford Anderson, finding in May, 2010 that the Santa Barbara News-Press had bargained in bad faith with the collective bargaining representative of its newsroom employees, the Graphics Communications Conference of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, since the day bargaining began, in November, 2007. The Board’s decision, which also affirmed that the News-Press had committed many other unfair labor practices, adds yet more support for the notion that the News-Press is a major labor relations outlaw operating outside the ordinary constraints of reputable businesses in California, and indeed, the nation.

The finding of bad faith bargaining means that the News-Press feigned a sincere interest in bargaining, when in fact its conduct at and away from the bargaining table betrayed a disinterest in reaching a fair agreement, since it made and insisted on proposals that were intended to deny newsroom employees the voice in the workplace they voted for, and rejected the standard collective bargaining practice of having a neutral arbitrator determine whether the parties violated the contract; Ampersand insisted instead on being able to change wages and other economic terms even during the duration of the contract, and on having the last word on management’s potential violations, demanding that they be decided by co-publishers Wendy McCaw and Arthur von Wiesenberger. As the Board put it, "[Ampersand’s bad faith bargaining was . . . aggravated, . . and its proposals were so extreme that they would leave employees and the Union with fewer rights and protections than they would have without any contract at all." In addition to the bad faith bargaining finding, the NLRB found that the News-Press violated federal labor law by, among other violations:

n Scott Steepleton terminating bargaining committee member Dennis Moran based on trumped-charges;
n Using temporary employees to undermine the newsroom bargaining unit;
n Failing to give annual merit raises to newsroom workers as it had done in every year until the union won an NLRB election;
n Encouraging employees not to cooperate with NLRB investigations of its wrongdoing;
n Don Katich unilaterally announcing a change in productivity standards for the newsroom;
n Katich warning employees not to share information about employment conditions and the content of internal employee meetings with non-SBNP employees;
n Laying off writer Richard Mineards;

Once again – for the third time – the NLRB has found News-Press management witness Scott Steepleton to be not credible; in this case he literally fabricated conversations with employees that did not happen at all.

As remedies for the unfair labor practices, the Board ordered the News-Press to:

n Cease and desist its bad faith bargaining;
n Pay the union’s costs of bargaining, since the News-Press’ bad faith bargaining forced the union to waste considerable time and resources in trying to engage the News-Press at the table;
n Reinstate and make Dennis Moran and Richard Mineards whole for all lost wages and benefits;
n Extend the bargaining certification year by an additional 12 months;
n Reinstitute annual merit pay practice and policy;
n Have a high company official read, or attend the reading to employees of, a Board Remedial Notice.

Indeed....I'll have more later

Thursday, September 27, 2012

climb every mountain

ford every stream....

ok so everything is way too laid back on Thursday...slow drivers, slow fog...slow music dragging me down down down the dark ladder..but I have errands to run so I run into SB for some food....then back to Carp to get a Coastal View paper....I stop at the light at Linden and Carp Ave, I look over and see pro surfer Shaun Tomson and a few guys sitting outside having coffee at the corner coffeeshop-I forget the name...but it's by the Nail Salon!!
I don't have my camera so I speed back home and fetch it and go back to the unknown coffee shop area and a cop starts following me so I pull over and he pulls over and I get out and say
"did I do something wrong?".... he says no..I tell him I need to get a picture of a world famous surfer Shaun Tomson at the unknown coffee shop.....the cop says "Shaun Tom" "Shaun Tom"...and looks at me longingly....he was a chubby Mexican dude!!

geez man WTF is up with you??? follow me and don't do anything? are you gay?? did you stalk me? don't do that again or I will run to the News-Press and write a story about the sheriff who stalked me for a few minutes while I was stalking a world famous surfer for a photo!

ok so anyway I go to the coffee shop and sneak up on Shaun and co and take some pictures and some chick with nice tits stands there, posing, so I get her picture, too...I asked her to show me her boobs but she kept texting...don't you iphone people ever look up??? geez

but one of the guys sitting with Shaun looked familiar...I swear he's the model in the JL Powell catalogue....a male model! I thought those were real guys doing all those cool rugged things in the catalogue, like climbing mountains and fording streams... and now I find out they are just prissy male models! and he isn't even wearing a JL Powell shirt!! what a disappointment!! these guys don't look tough in person.... and they all posed with their hands on their chins!!! all of 'em!

 I've been conned, duped..Shaun probably has a body double surf for him!

wow..California the place I love with a history of real tough guys like John Wayne and Robert Mitchum and cool gals like Olive Carey...well, now I got male models and skinny surfers and native species only and Wendy-types I gotta contend with...what is this?? what are we?? a town full of posers?? hey wait a minute..I wonder if JL Powell would let me model for them???

follow every rainbow, 'til you find your dream!!

wake me up before you go go

you can fool some of the people some of the time, but you can't fool me...

ok so Carp city council man Joe Armenrdariz finally resigned on Monday..according to his enablers at the News-Press, Joe is moving on up to the north county Orcutt where more friendly conservatives and opportunities await with open can drink and drive and they'll congratulate and promote you!! the non-profits that is..the heirs to tire to them...but whatever you do Joe, don't run into me!! I heard Orcutt is like Texas, fulla steers and queers!!
or maybe Joe is moving to be closer to #69??? love conquers all!!

but what's with these: 09/27/2012 - 8:30 am 1400375 Joseph James Armendariz Diversion Violation James E Herman SB8 09/27/2012 - 8:30 am 1422868 Joseph James Armendariz Arraignment on Complaint Cont James E Herman SB8

diversion violation? more complaints?? hmmmmm ..some lessons you just gotta learn for yourself...good luck to his kid..and the Baron's kid...but that old adage the apple not falling far from the tree applies.. I believe that was what Peter Lance once told me that.. and remember this gentlemen: being a good father, a good role model for your kids is job #1!

let this be a warning to you: if you spend your life in nonprofits getting drunk and smearing public employees, you might end up in Orcutt!! otherwise Godspeed!!

let's's Joe's ol' nonprofit pal Lanny Ebenstein doing? well, he still writes for the corrupt News-Press but only a few times a month now...gone are the repetitive rants about public employee pensions after all his initiatives against collective bargaining failed to reach the Lanny wants to drill for more oil.....

Kevin Costner who won an Emmy for the Hatfields and McCoys mini-series has another hearing concerning his hedges....missed that one on Tuesday..another demurrer thingie...

there's a hearing for local golfer Fred and Thias Couples....Thias died in 2009 of breast cancer so I don't know what's going on with that one??

oh shit there's a gal who I thought was gonna take her DUI seriously and she's apparently in trouble again..DAMN!! another trial???  I hope that's a misprint....

now, everybody..shape up or ship out!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

counting flowers on the wall

that don't bother me at all..smoking cigarettes and watching Capt Kangaroo...

well, there it was..the Santa Barbara City Council Meeting of the Year..perhaps of the decade..perhaps of all time!! it was awesome!! over a fast food restaurant!! way to Go Frank and Randy!!! way to waste everyone's time!!

Mayor Schneider started off with the ground rules and Frank Hotchkiss nervously gave a long rambling opening statement about what the ABR should his mind...then Randy Rowse gave his statement..about 15 seconds worth...Randy Rowse looks alot like Capt. Kangaroo and this was a Kangaroo Court..a public lynching of a gay guy on the ABR....for political was pathetic...patriarchal homophobic nonsense

then Dale Francisco gave his lecture..his trademark long lecture and frankly I think Dale is gay..he looks so oddly trans- eyebrowy that my only conclusion is he's gay as a Chick Fil A..that is my opinion so relax...but anyway Dale goes on and on and on and on..he wants Blue Ribbon committees to keep ARB members honest..he wants this and that...more layers of fat so finally Mayor Schneider cuts him off..then councilmember Cathy Murillo says Dale missed the part about Christian Dan Cathy giving money to hate groups then a few audience members start booing then Murillo says "I will not be heckled!"..then the mayor tells everyone to shut up or she'll recess the meeting..

then public comment starts and Mr. Wimpy steps up looking all drunk, skinny and scraggly and starts ranting about how he marched in Selma and protested Vietnam but wants "those people" the gays to stop complaining about discrimination...he calls them cowards and then he mumbles something about a raid at the Republican headquarters before stumbling off....the dude is delusional..and he used to represent the Rupublican Party???

then a few chicken lovers came up and supported chick fil a and wanted the ARB members removed...then some gay folks came up and really shot thru the bullshit..this is all politics and Frank and Randy should be ashamed of themselves for rushing to judgement on the issue..the issue being some folks on the ABR abstained from a vote on Chick Fil A and that's their right....and now we are having a public hearing to flog them???

but the Mayor said why not bring everyone who has abstained on a committee before the council...and even Frank Hotchkiss abstained once as a council member...why just focus on this incident?? Frank  and Randy had no answer...and the vote was 4 to 3 to keep the ABR intact...

in the end, Rowse and Hotchkiss looked lost and stupid a couple of old cranks who were way too eager to shoot first and ask questions later...I think this little sideshow will end their political careers...

so as usual the volunteers on these boards get crap for doing their's a thankless job but if you removed the ARB, all that review work falls on the city staff and city they'd have to hire more people and PAY them....

Frank and Randy need to do some volunteer work as a punishment for their political stunt....let them see first hand what time and effort it takes to work for nothing.....because something higher called someone into volunteering....let them see first hand and maybe next time they won't be so quick to waste taxpayer time and money...

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

it takes two, baby

it takes two and you

ok so we know that the Santa Barbara City Council has two bonafide drama queens on board..Frank Hotchkiss and Randy Rowse...remember Randy and Frank wanted to spend tax money on a bench $50000 turnaround scheme on State St to discourage homeless vets and other ragged people from sitting down and offending the conservatives....should such poor decisions be discussed in a specially held council meeting??

Frank and Randy haven't been on the council long enough to really do anything, have they? they aren't the ones who have been Keeping Santa Barbara Santa Barbara (TM), are

but tonight, these two drama queens are holding a special session at the council chambers to out the Architecural Board of Review due to its part in the Chick Fil A controversy.

the issue is should the ARB let personal beliefs not related to architecture be involved in committee decisions..should it matter to a ABR member that asswipe Dan Cathy the Christian bible thumping idiot son of Truett Cathy CEO of Chick Fil A hates gays? wants them on the back of the against civil rights..should that matter to anyone in Santa Barbara waiting for a tasty chicken samwich?

well, tonight we may find out if the drama queens succeed in disbanding the ABR...and if they succeed, who will keep Santa Barbara Santa Barbara? Sheila Lodge? Randy Von Wolfswinkel? Frank and Randy?

well I hope the meeting will be raucous....I hope gay folks step up and tell Frank and Randy a thing or two about what it really takes to keep Santa Barbara Santa Barbara (TM) takes two baby to keep Santa Barbara Santa Barbara (TM)..remember that...

ok so I don't know what's gonna happen but if i were on the ABR I would not sit quietly by while Frank and RAndy lectured me about anything...I would stand up and say FUCK YOU TWO BOZOS THIS IS AMERICA AND I HAVE FREE SPEECH AND YOU WON'T SILENCE ME JUST BECAUSE YOU LIKE CHICKEN AND PHONY CHRISTIANS!! or words to that effect...

Monday, September 24, 2012

scary monsters

don't let your dad do any weird experiments on you!!

if I had to pick a favorite month, it might just be September...summer is leaving and fall is coming in...but the days are full still..the flowers have bloomed intensely..the sun is hot but distant...and every September on a beautiful Sunday morning I hear a bunch a horns blowing, people whistling outside my window...the girls, the women, the ladies in pink are marching the Avon Walk against Breast Cancer...they walk right outside and I see them..determined and unwavering..these gals mean business and if I were cancer, I'd be worried....these women kick ass!!

I'm so inspired I hop on the bike and take in the sights at Santa Claus beach...then go to a place by the tracks on Padaro Lane where the Castor Bean grows...the Castor Bean plant is another survivor that beats down all attempts to poison it....people poison it and try to kill it because it's supposedly "invasive"'s not, it's just a plant that grows where others refuse because the others, the natives, are just too prissy....Castor Bean is beautiful and demands respect because it is slightly poisonous and keeps bad bugs away!

leave it alone and it won't bother you, like most things...

and the harvest and Halloween will soon be upon us....corn stalks are growing and pumpkins will dot the hillsides...September lets me get ready for that intense time of the year...and the sky is full of wild and bright constellations, stars, clusters...and the English horror flicks....already showing the B movies...the Creeping Flesh, one I've never seen from 1973 with
Peter Cushing and Christopher Lee..and the comely daughter Penelope who went from demur blonde to crazy sexy killer redhead in the blink of an eye because Dad experimented on her!

it was just beautiful..the mental disorder asylum, the slime, the campy, the silly, the absurd.. it was reminded me of Santa Barbara!!

and then there's the new catalogues I receive..just perfect for fall...Bill's Khakis and Patrick I can go outside dressed stylishly -no more stained sweatshirts and dirty shorts- and still be the rugged individual that Ayn Rand wants me to be...

I will be ready for anything....will you??

Sunday, September 23, 2012


Once, during Prohibition, I was forced to live for days on nothing but food and water. ~W.C. Fields

Santa Barbara doesn't have a police problem, Santa Barbara has a drinking problem

Iya Falcone busted for hit and run DUI.... geez...I always thought Iya was a little spacey sometimes, but not a drunk....well, she's friends with fellow boozehound Joe Armendariz so if Joe is a preacher now, maybe he can help her..or maybe she'll use Joe's defense that drinking never interfered with council business!

but I can't fault Iya for smacking her Beamer into a Prius....way to go Iya!!

now, to the booze issues....for the practicing alcoholics....the Independent has a few columnists cheering about the joys of Tequila tasting and homemade beer...the News-Press pushes booze, candy flavored cocktails and the Bon Vivant lifestyle...but as Nipper fully well knows, promoting drugs can kill people...

the Funk Zone has changed into the Wine Zone where you can taste wine....then there's the 4 hour Beer Fest at Elings Park in October..see how many beers you can get down in 4 hours??

a former SB Planning Commissioner busted in Beullton for DUI... then we got Tony DeNunzio and Peter Lance blaming the cops for their DUI arrests....(Lance's case was thrown out on mistake by Judge Brian Hill)

the latest blurb in the News-Press was about poor little victim Tony DeNunzio..the NP says he took a beating in a controversial arrest...the News-Press will never learn it seems..and then goes on to say Tony will begin a 15 day electric monitoring for a "battery" case....he choked the 18 year old kid of his girlfriend! then he's got to wear an alcohol detecting bracelet for his DUI conviction..all that costume jewelry must make him very popular in jail!!

oh wait, the News-Press says Tony has to wear the bracelet because he failed to report to the County Jail for a separate bracelet issue, according to drunk driver atty Daryl, I couldn't make heads or tails of the story which was written by Angel made absolutely no sense at all!!

the News-Press is completely covering for Daryll Genis who is protecting drunk drivers and trying to blame the cops who catch them! how stupid can you be Wendy and Nipper??

but the taxpayers are footing the bill for Tony DeNunzio's antics...and Joe's, and Iya's, and all the others..this is why we have a Nanny State because there are so many adults behaving like babies!!!

so we got some folks in denial it seems...drinking alcohol will never improve's a depressant...the more you drink, the downer you get...

and in SB it seems to be an epidemic...drinking, drinking drinking....ok so go ahead and drink..but stay away from driving your vehicle until you sober sympathies go only so far..

instead of drinking, you can write a book, you can knit a sweater, you can take a walk, you can take a class, you can embrace the emptiness....and gals, you can play with yourselves in front of me if it helps ya stop the booze...I'm here to help!! really...

but seriously, duck it kick it do whatever you can because it will surely mess things up..the booze will...and to the folks who are serious about staying sober...I salute you!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

apple scruffs

iphone 5 and Fiona.....

ok, so the Santa Barbara City Council conservatives were willing to spend $50000 on some bench turning on State St to discourage homeless folks from sitting down and thereby frightening tourists...

at a Occupy Wall St rally, folks were arrested or cited for public camping...

but when the iphone 5 comes out, we have VERY NERDY and EXTREMELY MENTAL people camping outside the Apple store so they can get their iphone!! no citations no arrests no nothing!

I think sitting all day in a line to get a phone is absurd and should be illegal and obviously Apple stock is at $600/share because of the iphone addiction...don't these people have jobs? or lives? or is this just another Santa Barbara addiction??

speaking of addictions, Fiona Apple just got busted in Texas for possession of drugs...

Fiona recently played the SB Bowl and peeple noted how skinny she was...anorexia I think I have a Fiona CD...lemme check...nope that's a Tori Amos one I like..I get them mixed up because they got similar eyes ...but Fiona got busted the same place Willie Nelson and Snoop Dog got busted....for hash

Apple has never been arrested before, but is perhaps best remembered for her acceptance speech at the 1997 MTV Video Music Award, where she said:

"This world is bullshit, and you shouldn't model your life on what we think is cool, and what we're wearing and what we're saying."

UPDATE: In a statement, the Hudspeth County Sheriff’s Office said that during routine check of U.S. citizenship a drug sniffing dog detected the presence of controlled substances inside the tour bus. When officers inspected the vehicle, the dog was able to find glass container with .01 pounds of marijuana, and small plastic container holding .01 pounds of hashish.

The singer "freely admitted" that the drugs belonged to her and she was placed under arrest by U.S. Border Patrol agents and transported to Hudspeth County jail. On Sept. 20 the singer was released after posting a $10,000 bond.
a drug sniffing dog? did it really take a drug sniffing dog to detect weed in a singer's Willie's bus?? in Snoop's bus?? an ant could've detected drugs in Snoop's bus!! everytime I go thru Hope Ranch, I smell weed!!

I tried hash once and it nearly burned a hole in my throat...but I'll never try an iphone which will surely burn a hole in my brain....

Friday, September 21, 2012


and or die...

oh Iya Falcone got busted for DUI and smacking her BMW into a Prius...can't fault her for that!

Iya and Joe Armendariz are Joe a preacher now?? maybe he can help her...I think Santa Barbara has a drinking problem...I'll have five-part series upcoming on this hand- to- mouth disease known as alcoholism.... I'm reading the gossip page in the Montecito Journal..Richard Mineards is the guy with all that useless but juicy info...Mineards proudly proclaims he was a gossip writer for one of Rupert Murdoch's publications...I think this dude is annoying so I'm gonna make fun of with it

ok so I'm reading all this stuff about all these tedious people from Murdoch-lover Mineards column called Montecito Miscellany...first there's a party at Bella Vista Sod Farm remember that place in Summerland with all the faux stone walls...nothing is real behind those walls..nothing!! but hey why didn't they invite me??

apparently sodbuster Pat Nesbit is still in a partying mode even though his properties are going bankrupt!! Billy Baldwin was there I don't know why..because he's married to Chyna Phillips? I know I'm not but I did have a crush on Chyna's mom Michelle...a Mama...I just loved her vocal on Dedicated to the One I Love...

ok next I'm hearing lots about this surfer dude Shaun Tomson..he was a professional surfer which means he doesn't work for a living but lives in Montecito with his wife...geez, you can't just stick "professional" in front of everything!!

why does he annoy me? because he's a dumbass surfer, not some environmental professional and so now he's all water quality conscious because he's on the board of the nonprofit Surfrider....dude, you're surfing in dolphin crap!

but anyway, according to the obit in the Montecito Journal, they had a memorial service for Alexander Von Wiesenberger at the Coral Casino (these folks just don't get it!) and Shaun Tomson led a group of surfers in a paddle out which apparently everyone does now for everybody for any reason...

hey just go surfing for the fun of it! Endless Summer!

apparently Shaun's kid Mathew and Nipper's kid Alexander were best friends at Montecito Union School years ago and Shaun's kid hung himself at 14 years old in Durban South Africa in 2006...and now Nipper's kid is gone at 22 years old...

I guess Shaun Tomson and Nipper won't be winning any Father of the Year awards anytime soon, will they?

Thursday, September 20, 2012

good old boys

beware beware beware of the naked man

ok so the elections are coming and the debates are coming and the girls are coming...what's not to like about that??

you have a clear choice America, vote the religious wackos into office and have your bedrooms under
surveillance..or get the moderates and independents into office and keep moving forward...

locally, it looks like the same old same old...Mike Stoker versus Hannah Beth Jackson....I'd run but I'm too wounded...I'm a wounded soul..

but I know Mike Stoker won't win because, well, Mike is Mike...he speaks with forked tongue most of the time and his stint as GREKA OIL spinman was a disaster...Mike represents a little clique of folks who inherited their wealth and who start shady nonprofits at the drop of a hat...these folks are so disingenuous (a political word) that even Satan himself looks more honest...

Mike is pals with Brooks Firestone, Cowboy Willie, Lanny Ebenstein, Joe Armendariz, and others...remember when Greka was spilling oil all over land leased to them by Brooks and Cowboy Willie, the county emergency crews were responding and cleaning up the messes...Greka was getting fined and Mike was hired to get then off the hook..this all happened while Brooks Firestone was a county supervisor and Brooks was trying to deny any spills were taking place and that the county was over-reacting!!

from USA Today: Brooks Firestone, whose family leases land to Greka, was one of two members of the county Board of Supervisors who blocked an emergency hearing on Greka in December. He said the staff needed more time to prepare, and warned board members not to become hysterical.
"To me, a huge event involving oil was the Kuwaiti oil fields that were fired by the Iraqi army in the first Gulf War, the 1969 oil spill in the channel, the Valdez tanker and the Normandy tanker," Firestone said at the time. "What is the meaning of this incident?"
Days later, on Jan. 5, Greka spilled more than 190,000 gallons of oil and contaminated water on the land it leases from the Firestone estate. Since that spill, Firestone has withdrawn from deciding matters related to Greka. Firestone, an heir to the tire fortune, said it would be too difficult to calculate how much income he receives from Greka

all the while, I watched Mike on KSBY try to tell me that the oil spills were from a "phantom saboteur" instead of incompetent operators and managers at the Greka Plant....I've never heard so many lame excuses!!

when I cornered Mike at his wine and cheese fundraiser on Santa Claus Lane last year...he started dancing!!!

Mike says he does lawyer work for Lanny's nonprofit California Center for Public Policy..this little nonprofit has all the usual suspects on it from Tom Watson to Joe Armendariz..they tried to end collective bargaining in the public sector and they failed....but they want the private sector to be allowed to do whatever it wants without any consequences when it screws up....they always cry goverment interference when they get caught!!!

these folks are scoundrels and don't deserve to be anywhere near a public office!!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


girls will be boys and boys will be girls, it's a mixed up muddled up shook up world

conversion therapy...

oh geez...if you suspect your little son Johnnie is queer because he was playing with his little friend Billy's Willy, (kids exploring is normal!) you can send him to therapy and convert back to non-queer least that's what I hear..and there are some folks who actually believe this can happen....I think Michele Bachman's husband has a practice in Michigan converting gay folks back to hetero....

well, I've mentioned this before that a certain percentage of the population is's a fact of nature..there's no therapy or conversion that can take place to change that..when I was studying psychology, we took a little field trip to a house, a neat bungaloo in Santa Barbara where we heard from a panel of gay folks..we asked questions and they answered..they weren't monsters, they were nice and normal and nothing to be afraid of....

to understand human sexuality, you need to look beyond the bible misinterpretations and look at biology and psychology and the people involved who are born's really not that complicated..until nonprofits like the phonybaloney Family Research Council enters the of their founders, George Rekers, a proponent of CURING GAYS was busted for hiring a young male prostitiute to travel with him to Europe... and Reker went to Westmont!!!!

Family Research Council co-founder hires male prostitute

By Sandhya Somashekhar
George Alan Rekers, a prominent anti-gay activist and cofounder of the conservative Family Research Council, recently returned from a 10-day trip to Europe with a male escort who advertises on a Web site called,

according to a May Miami New Times article that was lighting up the liberal blogosphere and gay media outlets Wednesday.

Rekers told the New Times he hired the escort to help carry luggage, not for sexual purposes, and that he only learned his companion was a prostitute midway through the trip. On Wednesday, he published a statement on his Web site decrying the New Times story as "slanderous."

"A recent article in an alternative newspaper cleverly gave false impressions of inappropriate behavior because of its misleading innuendo, incorrectly implying that Professor George Rekers used the Rentboy website to hire a prostitute to accompany him on a recent trip,"
the statement said. "Contrary to Internet stories based on this slanderous article, following medical advice Professor George Rekers requires an assistant to lift his luggage in his travels because of an ongoing condition following surgery. ... Professor Rekers was not involved in any illegal or sexual behavior with his travel assistant."

A professor of psychology at the University of South Carolina and a Baptist minister, Rekers is a leading proponent of therapy to "cure" homosexuality and has testified against gay adoption. He is a board member of the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality, which calls itself "a professional, scientific organization that offers hope to those who struggle with unwanted homosexuality."


Tuesday, September 18, 2012

sunshine lollipops

rainbows everywhere

ok..sometimes I get requests to remove posts cuz no one gets my satire or they don't appreciate my humor or they just think I'm stupid...

I consider all requests to delete posts....even in a hot political and social satire, if there's a good reason, I will remove the offending post without the case of AVW, of course I removed some stuff...

in other cases, I got where they were coming from and poof..gone... no more post

I have no control over search engines however....they may search, but they will not find..

but you gotta love satire...I know I helps cut through the bullshit....and I love free speech, so whatever you do, don't try to infringe namby pamby on this most basic and important of American rights...

freedom is a wonderful on you crazy diamonds!!!

Monday, September 17, 2012

the weight

take a load off Annie and put the load right on me

if you wanna see the insanity of a consumer driven free market society, take a trip up to Tajiguas's up towards Gaviota, back in the hills....I used to drive up there and dump some stuff every now and then...a lovely drive past old old old restaurant that was boarded's a landfill you's place where you dump things you no longer want, or can use like garbage..and other dead horses...I saw a dead horse up there had a nice and shiny brown coat but was on its back and four big legs sticking straight up in the air like tree any missing relatives? they're probably buried in Tajiguas! and there's hundreds of GIANT sea gulls rumaging through the trash...your trash...

so you go there and weigh your load and travel up the hill..big garbage trucks are coming down while you're going up..they are moving pretty fast so watch got to the top and follow the safety cones and you see a bunch of GIANT earth moving equipment said to be operated by ex-cons..big burly Crazy Chesters who look like they eat dogs for lunch...anyway they don't really like to stop and wait for you, so you better hurry, dump your load and get the hell outta there!! what they do is spend all day covering trash up with dirt and more trash... digging and dumping...a never ending routine

I swear they will run you over if you hesitate or show fear...after I dumped my load, I left so fast a trail of dust covered their John Deeres!! they couldn't catch me no matter what...I drove like a maniac keeping the bed up, a la Cool Hand Luke, in case they wanted to take some target practice..out here, who's gonna know??? then I hightailed it down to the main road...and back into Santa Barbara...

but the thing that struck me was the huge number of white plastic bags flying around even back then...I don't think things have changed much except the volume of trash..and the plastic bags...they're up there and they are flying around like seagulls, like dust, like litter...

and landfills are where most plastic bags end up..until they blow away onto the roadsides and oceans...from the store, to your house, to the landfill....the cycle of life

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Kill Bill

volume two..

I hate Tarentino's movies...
talk about overrated..I dig Uma, though....she's alive!! but what about dying? people are dying...that's one thing about life you need to get used are gonna die!

some folks are already dead..walking Micheal Madsen, brother of lovely Virginia...Mike was busted for DUI..he can't act and he can't drive so what's to live for?

and that  David Caradine dude who was in the Kill Bill movies..he hung himself in a closet in the nude..geez...actors, they are sooo dramatic!

that poor lady hiking in Montecito in scorching heat and high humidity...she died and her three dogs were left standing there, wondering what happened...luckily she made a cell phone call before she died so the rescue team came to collect her....we're all in this together, you see

and what about the Cold Springs Bridge? much needed attention was paid to the suicide jumpers so Caltrans and a nonprofit spent millions of taxpayer money erecting a wire mesh barrier designed to prevent folks from jumping... and some guy jumps last week and kills himself...Caltrans needs to get out of the mental health business...and remove the barrier and pay the coffers back and start removing some high bushes on Carp Ave exit so I can see the ocean better!!

see.... that's what life is all about..seeing the ocean...the big blue sea..what more do you need??

and you don't need drugs..drugs can kill you..your mind, body and it pisses me off when local publications glorify drugs..booze...when there's really no glory in these things...does another kid have to die from an overdose for some people to wake up??

but the ocean..that's where it's at....

Saturday, September 15, 2012

be the rain

Be the river as it rolls along
"toxic waste dumpin' from corporate farms"

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker went crying to his sugar daddies the corporate billionaire Koch Bros because a "liberal activist" judge in Wisconsin upheld the Constitution and wiped out all his anti-collective bargaining "laws"....

Associated Press

MADISON, Wis. — A Wisconsin judge on Friday struck down nearly all of the state law championed by Gov. Scott Walker that effectively ended collective bargaining rights for most public workers.

Walker's administration immediately vowed to appeal, while unions, which have vigorously fought the law, declared victory. But what the ruling meant for existing public contracts was murky: Unions claimed the ruling meant they could negotiate again, but Walker could seek to keep the law in effect while the legal drama plays out.

The law, Walker's crowning achievement that made him a national conservative star, took away nearly all collective bargaining rights from most workers and has been in effect for more than a year.

Dane County Circuit Judge Juan Colas ruled that the law violates both the state and U.S. Constitution and is null and void. He said the law violated the constitutional rights of free speech and association.

In his 27-page ruling, the judge said sections of the law "single out and encumber the rights of those employees who choose union membership and representation solely because of that association and therefore infringe upon the rights of free speech and association guaranteed by both the Wisconsin and United States Constitutions."

Colas also said the law violates the equal protection clause by creating separate classes of workers who are treated differently and unequally.

The ruling applies to all local public workers affected by the law, including teachers and city and county government employees, but not those who work for the state. They were not a party to the lawsuit, which was brought by a Madison teachers union and a Milwaukee public workers union.

Chick fil A likesWalmart

Chick-fil-A wants to open a restaurant in Greendale - its second in Wisconsin.

The growing, Atlanta-based chicken-sandwich chain, whose president recently generated both scorn and praise over his public opposition to gay marriage, has applied for a permit to build a restaurant on an outlot of the Walmart now under construction.

Chick-fil-A would build the 5,000-square-foot restaurant at 5351 S. 76th St., across from Southridge Mall. The firm's application for a special-use permit goes before the Greendale Village Board Tuesday evening.

Privately held Chick-fil-A , with annual sales of $4.1 billion, has more than 1,615 locations in 39 states and Washington, D.C. Few are in the upper Midwest though, and the only outlet in Wisconsin is in Racine's Regency Mall.....

"attention shoppers, buy with a conscience and save"

Friday, September 14, 2012

a town without pity

oh it isn't very pretty what a town without pity can do

when I was a young man I walked fifty miles to work....fifty miles in the snow..fifty miles one way and fifty miles put food on the table, I worked very very save money, I grew my own veggies and kilt my own chickens...

then I heard someone singing and decided I wanted to be a folksinger..I tried that for a few years and ended up homeless and in a ditch....with an old guitar strapped to my back...well, I started drinking to ease the pain but it only increased the pain so I quit..then I met a girl or two after the first one and then I had a few more and I'm tellin' ya, them girls were exhausting....

so then I started smoking cigarettes until my fingers turned yellow and I couldn't I quit them cigs...

then I got a government job which put me on Easy Street!

ok... so the point I'm trying to make is you are responsible for your own life....if I kept a'drinking and a'smokin' I'd be ...I'd be...well.... pretty live healthy lives and stay away from drugs...

and don't put off until tomorrow what you can put off a simple life...and don't watch monkeys dance..that's my advice.....

Thursday, September 13, 2012

turn around

on a sad and serious note...

I was informed that Alexander Von Wiesenberger died was in the News-Press obituaries today....

I will lay off the News-Press for awhile....

yonder stands the sinner

well I'm not too thrilled with Utah lately...

oh I know it's got some awesome natural beauty, but something has happened to the people there... they are not right in the head...I don't know why, but they seem to have lost their it the Mormon influence? too much salt in the food?? did we bury some nuclear waste there? I'm seeing things that can't be child killers being slapped on the wrist and set free to start nonprofit youth programs, and now I hear they want to limit free speech in a church against church kinda thing! Utah doesn't resemble any American state's like a little Libya now with a bunch of Gaddafis running around terrorizing children!!

oh, it's a shame about Libya and the attack and killing of Americans on 9/11..but it's a dangerous can get murdered in a foreign country, or right here in America watching "Batman" at a local movie theater....

so is Utah still part of America, or has it become a foreign country?? or maybe Utah is really HELL..that hot and firey place described in the bible....

Brigham City, Utah Faces Legal Challenge Over Its 'Free-Speech Zones'

By Jennifer Dobner

Sept 12 (Reuters) - The American Civil Liberties Union has sued a Utah city in federal court over a "free-speech zone" ordinance, saying the Orwellian-named measure unconstitutionally requires a permit for almost any form of public expression.

The lawsuit was filed against Brigham City on Tuesday on behalf of the Main Street Church, a non-denominational faith barred under the municipal statute from distributing pamphlets on some sidewalks near a new Mormon temple in town.

Brigham City, a predominantly Mormon town of about 18,000 people, is about 60 miles north of Salt Lake City, the state capital.

The ordinance in question requires any individual or group wishing to stage a demonstration, hand out literature or engage in other forms of public expression to seek a municipal permit establishing an approved "free-speech" zone for that activity.

The permit, if granted, can include limits on the time, place and number of participants. Violations are punishable by civil fines of up to $750 or a misdemeanor criminal prosecution that carries a penalty of up to 90 days in jail.

"The overbreadth of Brigham City's 'Free Speech Zone' Ordinance is breathtaking," John Mejia, legal director of the ACLU of Utah, said in a written statement.

"Under this ordinance, you would arguably have to apply for a permit to engage in nearly any speech in the city," he said. "The ordinance could be used to silence anyone, from two friends debating politics on the sidewalk to a missionary handing out fliers."

I may have to take a trip to Utah to find out what the hell is going on....but I might not come back alive!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

keep on smiling....

here's an update to Wednesday's hearings..a tentative ruling from the judge

it appears that Dr. David Cash's assistant Mimi lied to me when I asked if the Santa Barbara Unified School District had ever contracted with Gularte!! damn if she didn't say they never contracted with the nonprofit "Smiling Faces".... but according to this tenative ruling, were in the process of having these people TUTOR CHILDREN...

Smiling Faces Youth etc et al vs San Marcos High etc et al

Case No:


Hearing Date:

Wed Sep 12, 2012 9:30

Nature of Proceedings:

In this action, plaintiffs Smiling Faces Youth Program, a nonprofit corporation, Edward

Gularte, and Emily Gularte have sued defendants San Marcos High School, Santa Barbara

Unified School District, and Ed Behrens, the principal of San Marcos High School, for (1)

breach of written contract, (2) breach of oral contract, (3) breach of implied-in-fact contract,

and (4) promissory estoppel. Plaintiffs allege that they entered into an agreement with

defendants whereby plaintiffs were to create a tutoring program to assist at-risk students at

San Marcos High School in improving their academic and social skills. Plaintiffs claim that

defendants approved the tutoring program for the 2011-2012 academic year, but in

November 2011, they breached the agreement by informing plaintiffs that the program was

not going forward. Defendants now demur to the complaint for failure to state a cause of

action and uncertainty.

I will have more on this later... you can count on it!!


can the child within my heart rise above

well it was another warm humid cloudy morning..I climbed a mountain and I turned around..then I got up and took a shower but it being so humid I never was able to dry I spent the whole day wet and restless..and sweating like an Indian in a redneck bar...

I wanted to check out the Smiling Faces Youth Program vs the SB Unified School District..the hearing was at the courthouse room SB4..Judge Donna Geck presiding..

so I went into town....traffic was thick...then it thinned out and I arrived..I parked the truck and walked to the court..I noticed the grass outside the Court House looks dead and brown and there's a sign saying ~POISON~ a pesticide was nice..poison the ground and showcase the dead grass...

ok so I go sit down outside the courtroom and wait...then two fidgety looking folks come by and stand around..they look like Emily and Edward Gularte, but I wasn't sure until the hearing started at about 9:45 AM..Ampersand and Roberts were scheduled today but went off the calendar... we're in the courtroom and I'm eyeing these two and they look like part Chumash...I was getting pretty angry that I was in the same room with a child Gularte sits on the other side of the room and starts staring at me..I look at him....we lock eyes until he nods to acknowledge me..I look at him a bit longer and look away without acknowledging him...

then his lawyer, a skinny young gal enters the room and they approach the bench when Judge Geck calls the it seems always to happen, the lawyer mumbles something to the judge and before I can bat an eyelash, it's over and they schedule something for another day..oh.... I'll be watching these initial thought is they are trying to scam the school district with some liability claim, but I don't know of course..

as the hearing ends, all three leave the courtroom and I get up and follow them out...they stop and whisper among themselves then I walk up and say "do you people have any comments?"

the chick laywer says "no"...Gularte just stands there saying nothing..I asked again "are you sure you don't have any comments about anything?"...the lawyer says "no"...

ok, at least they know I'm on to them.... I wanna know why these two are allowed to run a youth program with their rap sheet??? something odd is going on here and I will get to the bottom of it sooner or later....

old man

take a look at my life, I'm alot like you were...

lullabye look in my eyes, run around the same old town...