Won't someone please help us here
I hear it's getting worse every year, and one solution is beer
But you don't mix beer and vodka lightly
We mix professionally
you know just once I'd like to hear Wendy say "okay, Mick, you win...here's thirty dollars"...just once...
but I'm a little worried ..not too worried but I haven't seen Nipper or Wendy out and about lately..I know they are there, but I haven't seen them..they are like rats in the attic! you know they are there, but you can't see them...
oh wait... I see
Nipper is now President of an outfit called American Travel Media Corporation...well congratulations on that ..wait a minute..I took a closer look and it says Nipper is really a female! He's a She!! so Nipper is a tranny??? what does that make Wendy? a lesbo?? so I think
Wendy and Harriet Miller were lovers! remember Harriet the old biddy lesbo mayor who looked like she sucked lemons for a living...and she lost five million tax payer dollars in an Orange County investment scheme while she was mayor..these people are pretty fruity
it's all starting to make sense to me now...
then I see the
Mr. Wimpy show...no,
Mr. Shrimpy wasn't his guest but motormouth Peter
Lance and DUI protector Darryl Genis were on....first Lance was talking like he was high on speed or cocaine about his dumb book then they started wanking on SBPD cop Kasi Beutel and Chief Sanchez again...rehashing all the old stuff in the Peter Lance DUI hearings two years ago...
of course they lied when they said Judge Brian Hill quickly threw the case out because he wanted to protect the cops...that's nonsense.. I was there and the hearing lasted months!!
the case was dismissed at the end only after the last ditch attempt by Genis and Lance to suppress evidence...Hill fell for it and said the cops violated search and seizure rights..and that people should be able to stop at a green light for up to 30 seconds on a New Year's Eve before a cop could pull them over!!! it was a bullshit hearing and Brian Hill was in way over his head..
Lance would have gotten creamed in a court case with a jury and that's why his lawyer Genis kept filing motions to dismiss!!
slightly very stoopid! |
then Lance starts screaming at the camera challenging the cops and City of Santa Barbara to open up all their personel files so he can prove all his fictional conspiracy theories... and he wants all the cops to take lie detector tests!! the dude is nuts!!!
then.. Lance and Genis started talking to an obviously hung-over Mr. Wimpy about the Tony DeNunzio case..Darryl, who had been sitting there like a bump on a log while Lance was fervently trying to prove all his own conspiracy theories, finally speaks and comes up with some weird plot against Tony DeNunzio..it was unbelieveable!!.. Darryl thinks-he really thinks this-that the cops were trying to set up Tony because Tony's a "lady's man"...and someone called Officer Tudor who according to Daryll is also a lady's man to come out to the
Boathouse and rough up DeNunzio...all this under the watchful eye of the police dash cam !!
Darryl says the camera was part of a pilot program and when Officer Tudor started following Denunzio, he couldn't find Tony driving erratically, so he pulled him over in the Gelson's parking lot....and beat him up!!! WTF??
you mean it was of no concern that Tony DeNunzio was driving drunk on a suspended license for a previous DUI..or that he was convicted of beating up his girlfriend's son?? are those facts lost on Mr. Wimpy, Lance and Genis???
these guys always prove one thing: defending drunk drivers is pretty stoopid!!