the full Sturgeon Moon in Pisces had me mesmerized for a few nights, esp with Mars moving close perfect for the transition from summer to's truly a favorite time to reflect..and confess....
and I must confess, I didn't do it
[water sign in the air, touch the earth with flame] the salt marsh!! |
but I did notice some folks walking about in the Carp Salt Marsh..thought they were UCSB researchers but no they are the scam outfit Channel Islands Restoration trying to remove invasive species from the such species is the European sea lavender..must be that European style socialism the NRA warns about!!
oh, according to the Coastal View, these plant Nazis are "authorized" to use HERBICIDES to poison and PLASTIC to smother the plants!!! lemme tell you something: you folks use herbicides in the marsh and I will sue you til your mothers' pussies bleed lavendar!! YOU GOT THAT??
[see the friendly Sagittarian, do you remember his name??]
now I've said this many times but it bears repeating...this restoration work by these native-only twits is pure folly..the European lavender is not harming a thing and watching these folks trudge through the marsh trying to get rid of it is rather comical..if Nature wants the European lavender in the marsh, then that's the way it will be
[lovers of lions, stay away at feeding time, is all the Taurus takes mimicking life in rhyme]
these eco-morons always say the invasives 'out-compete' the native plants which is nonsense..all things grow and die regardless of native or non-native status especially in a huge flood or fire!!
the notion that these people are gonna save the marsh by pulling weeds is beyond stupid..
besides, the recent dredging of the marsh probably killed thousands of natives
and sand flies...what about sand flies???