so on the front page of the Saturday News-Press is a story about Fiesta, Old Spanish Days and the gal who is portraying Saint Barbara:
The new Saint Barbara is a dancer, musician and whale watcher
The dame to portray the city's patron Saint Barbara for this year's Old Spanish Days Fiesta is Debra Fedaleo. Born in Bakersfield and raised in Santa Barbara, Ms. Fedaleo became a member of the Native Daughters of the Golden West — a statewide fraternal organization of California-born women....
the Native sons/ Daughters of the Golden West were a racist group formed under white racist fundamentals....
Founded respectively in 1875 and 1886, the Native Sons of the Golden West (NSGW) and Native Daughters of the Golden West (NDGW) are fraternal organizations officially dedicated to preserving the history of California. Although in theory membership in the twin groups was, from the beginning, open to any California-born citizens, both groups were in reality all-white, and they served as the leading organizational vehicles for anti-Japanese activism in California over the prewar decades. As early as 1907, the Native Sons approved a resolution calling for the exclusion of all "orientals" from California.
“Japanese are less assimilable and more dangerous as residents in this country than any other of the peoples ineligible under our laws…They do not come here with any desire or any intent to lose their racial or national identity…They never cease being Japanese…In pursuit of their intent to colonize this country with that race they seek to secure land and to found large families…They have greater energy, greater determination, and greater ambition than the other yellow and brown races ineligible to citizenship, and with the same low standards of living, hours of labor, use of women and child labor, they naturally make more dangerous competitors in an economic way.”
Today Mexicans are the new Japs and the same racists are at it again, trying to demonize people who aren't white, rightwing Christians....
for some reason over the years Santa Barbara has been trying to whitewash Fiesta and having a member of a racist organization like Native Daughters of the Golden West is just another odd attempt
did I catch Wendy and Nipper on a little cruise?? |
I'm not at all surprised the News-Press is featuring her propaganda on the front page as Wendy and Nipper are racists, aligning themselves with the Minutemen vigilantes on the southern border, among whom are killers and child molesters....
racists, killers and child molesters..nice
still waiting for Justive concerning thousands of child porn pics on Wendy's company computer