Thursday, April 22, 2021

Child of Nature

tell me, what else can a child of nature do?

today is Earth Day for all you hippies out there but be careful.. those who claim to love Mother Earth are killing her

beware of the restorations...killing what is feared and hated like weeds..I love weeds and so do bees and butterflies...pollinators!!  and how dare the Forest Service poison the back country to "control invasive species"  

no more Round Up, pard

and eucalyptus they've been demonized and destroyed when they provide habitat for Monarch butterflies and countless birds and bees! 

fossil fuels will run out one day so it's good to have some back up plans, meanwhile I'm driving

pro-growthers are sucking the life out of beautiful areas so it is worthwhile fighting them..we don't need bigger highways, we need less people

the Channel Islands Park Service and Nature Con have committed environmental atrocities to save an inbred fox..they should be in jail

I do what I can for Mother Earth and I know you will, too

well, you better