California tumbles into the sea...
well Utah's got the right idea lowering the BAC to 0.05 from 0.08 to try to catch drunks before they kill you or bash your car in... Santa Barbara had a good drunk driver team of cops but Wendy got upset when they kept busting her pals and you remember the Peter Lance fiasco, right? they need to reinstate the DUI team
Utah bucked alcohol industry with its tougher DUI law. A new study shows it made roads safer.
Washington Post on MSN.com4 hours ago
I've seen the stories about Righetti High in Santa Maria and it is schools like this that give public education a bad name...multiple assistant principals and two of them are in trouble for poor guy is a faggot who got caught having sex at school with his boyfriend..another guy got busted for drunk driving with a BAC of 0.23!!! Noozhawk and KEYT have the details...
it's can't have leaders, role models acting like idiots..
I've had a few bad teachers before but the good ones inspired me..I had a great French teacher and a great Political Science teacher.. and a wonderful English teacher, a lady about whom I had many sexual fantasies
and we had great principals who would wander around the school grounds monitoring everything...they were firm but fair authority figures
Righetti High needs to be audited..investigated and purged of the bad actors..
it's a public school and I don't want my tax dollars wasted on these clowns!!