could be a bruise, how about a chili dog, or a nice juicy tirly-whirly, or how about a Bentley! This issue just won't go away (not if I can help it anyway). Wendy has been gallivanting around town in a $176,000 Bentley while the rest of us shamefully drive around in Hondas or American made pickup trucks. I was out Saturday morning, getting the basics, when I spied a curious sight...a bright red Bentley convertible parked conspicuously in front of Lucky's in the shanty-town of Montecito.."do they serve breakfast?" I wondered...I stopped and parked and got out and started taking pictures of the car from Beverly Hills Bentley...I waited to see if the owner would come out and question me..I waited around..I peered into Lucky's...empty but open...I looked into the Montecito Cafe and Bar...a few old folks were staggering around but no sign of Wendy. Was it even hers? I know Nipper was working the Unity Shoppe Telethon, so maybe Wendy was cheating on him while he worked!!!???..I waited some more..then I thought to myself...I don't have a life! I shook my head and got into my truck, and sped off...smoked that Bentley!!

Then I get to Coast Village Road and Hot Springs. There's a big traffic jam as usual due to the roundabout construction.. but today it was slower than usual...then I see a bunch of fireguys panhandling for Jerry's kids..holding up traffic, asking motorists to fill a boot with money, and generally pissing me off!! If a homeless guy did that, he'd be arrested..."get the fuck outta the street" I yelled at a lovely firegal..but as usual, she ignored me...the fire guys just stared at me...
why can't Jerry take care of his own kids???
EXTRA EXTRA! Dr. Laura quits New-Press..ends column..says she's too busy to continue writing it...says attacks on NewsPress are stressful to other employees at the paper, but not her! Blames politics and union for everything..praises Wendy and Nipper for 'courage and fortitude"! She won't admit that my blog did the trick!! Also..there is no truth to the rumor that I, Mick, will be replacing her...but I'll still be on her tail!!latest: fraud recently discovered in groups Dr. Laura supported, Operation Family Fund and front group, America Supports You.... more later....
Too busy, what a joke. Too busy to Union bust? What does her lazy staff do?
Keep on her tail! You were right on about the pro war rallies that are now being investigated. It will go the way of Deryk's investigation if people don't wake up. Spiderman gets all the grief, not one article has mentioned Dr. Laura. She had to be one of their main sources of money to feed their public relations hype. Her name should be in headlines for.
Whoa! Anon.. you're right..."Operation Family Fund" and "America Supports You" being investigated for fraud..more later!
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