Friday, April 29, 2011
nothing from nothing
to be or not to be....
so I got a reply from the Lompoc District Attorney McBeth about the owls sittuation...I asked him why he didn't prosecute the Nature Con or National Parks Service for killing thousands of animals, including owls, in the name of biodiversity...he said he couldn't comment on the Channel Islands killings or the News-Press bias and that his office prosecutes cases brought to him by law enforcement; he said that any newspaper story on the owls, such as the News-Press, would have no bearing on any case brought before him....Jim Solis, the Fish and Game warden has not responded to my email..and the petition from #69 to create a registry for animal abusers needs 20000 signatures but only has gotten 1300 so far...this whole issue should be dropped immediately....
rock snot
in a move that will surely piss off outfitters like LL Bean and Cabellas , some states,thanks to the Dept of Fish and Game, are starting to ban felt soled waders...these shoes are popular among anglers in rivers and streams, but the Fish and Game folks think they are an environmental hazard! they say the waders spread algae known as rock snot: The soles, valued by anglers as sure-footed protection in slippery places, can trap spores and larvae of non-native plants and animals, allowing the invaders to hitchhike by shoe from one stream to another.
I'll have more on this later but as you can see, folks have gone over the edge with nativism..this could be the silliest thing vis a vis biodiversity that I've ever seen... but we'll have some fun with it later!!
yes, it's true...Nipper hs joined the common folks and moved his forum at to Facebook due to the Russian Spam that took over the old site.. I guess Wendy wouldn't spring for a new web host!! Facebook..hey, maybe that's where the News-Press is headed!!
the fat lady finally sang...
week after week, fat lady Nancy Crawford Hall owner of the Santa Ynez Valley Journal has been promising evidence of voter fraud, specifically from unions..week after week Nancy has been saying stay week she'lll have more.. be will all be brought to light...then finally on Thursday, she gives us the big proof: NOTHING!! ZIP!! NADA!!...
and she blames the gov't: We would have presented this to you a couple of weeks ago, but we wanted to make sure that you could learn what we have discovered about voting in Santa Barbara County and then express your opinion directly to your elected representative.
Unfortunately, we have discovered that our government employees have made it virtually impossible for the ordinary citizen to communicate with them. Why is this? Do they not want to hear from us? It certainly seems so as you can no longer email directly to a representative but must go through some unknown clearinghouse first. So do they actually ever see your emails or faxes? I wonder. I keep thinking that there is a huge garbage can under the fax machine so that they don’t ever have to be bothered with our thoughts. How does that make you feel? It doesn’t engender good feelings for me.
then she gives a link to a lame video on Youtube about voter fraud???? she couldn't just admit she had nothing, and instead kept firng blanks at the working class and students..pretty silly...but typical teabagger thinking.....
with gas prices rising and oil companies reporting huge profits while reaping tax benefits, people are starting to realize the unions ie, working class have nothing to do with the budget shortfalls..all that money is held by the big corporations and tax exempt non-profits....and you and I are paying for it....maybe Nancy and Wendy can do a story on that!!!
Thursday, April 28, 2011
back in the USSR
well I haven't seen Dr. Laura walking around like her usual perky self lately..and I became concerned...I went down to the Harbor and looked for her boat..maybe she was on it and meditating as she is known to do....I saw some starfish, some boats, some water, some sand, some restaurnants, some cars, some people, some grass, some city workers, some weeds..but no Dr. Laura...I walked around and stopped for a bowl of clam chowda and it was gooood!
then I went over to City College and ran around the fake grass and red track..WTF happened to the real grass and dirt track??
I was saddened somewhat, then I looked up and there was a grassy knowl and some Russian chick came running toward me with long flowing hair complaining about Marty Blum and Nipper....I said sorry I can't help you, did you take over the website..there's nothing but Russian spam over there now..she said Nipper and Eringer are investigating it as a commie plot...
then I saw a wee figure over on the grass with the ocean juxtaposed behind was Dr. Laura!! I couldn't believe my eyes..she was in a wheelchair, wearing thick dark glasses and being aided by a guide dog.....I said: Dr. Laura what happened?? she said ..who's there? I said Mick....she said..haven't you done enough already?? I said..yeah... and went off to look for that Russian chick....
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
ain't misbehavin'
who are the two most frightened human beings in Santa Barbara? Frank Hotchkiss and Randy Rowse...both SB City council members brought to the agenda AGAIN the behavior of certain folks who gather downtown..why do they keep doing this? the same old people with the same old stories..."we're afraid to walk on State Street" they cry because the poor folks make them feel uncomfortable..
they want certain behavior controlled, outlawed so some other people don't feel uncomfortable...Frank and Randy insist they are not targeting any particular group but we all know they are targeting the homeless...they just don't have the balls to say it...POOR PEOPLE ARE BAD FOR BUSINESS and they want to round them up and put them in jail!!
the fact of the matter is you can't control my behavior in a free society if I'm not breaking the law...if there is a crime wave in the downtown area, and there isn't, get some cops down there...the city council should fire Cam Sanchez and get a real cop in there to manage the police force effectively....I visit downtown Santa Barbara and have NEVER felt threatened or afraid, except maybe by a drunk in a Mercedes or talking on a cell phone!
but these clowns Rowse and Hotchkiss are just trying to please the Milpas Association, a group of anti-homeless who has monopolized the council meetings! Rowse even went so far to say you should be arrested if you flip someone off downtown... eat it dude!!!
ever heard of FREEDOM OF SPEECH guys....if I want to be uncivil and you can't handle it, that's not my problem, that's your problem....Hotchkiss says he wants to arrest somebody if they are screaming, usually some mentally ill person...he says it might scare a person with a little kid in about over-protective..this is pure nonsense and a waste of the council's time....if mentally ill people scare you, then you should support programs that help them modify their behaviors so they aren't screaming at the moon....and the few business owners crying about crime on their properties: hire a private security service!
and the funny thing is: the SB MUNI code says you can't solicit money from people in a public roadway..can't go out in the street and ask for money from cars at stop signs or signals; yet, once a year the firefighters do EXACTLY that to raise money for some charity..they go out in public traffic and ask drivers to put money in a boot for Jerry's Kids!! what a bunch of hypocrites..Santa Barbara has a mix of all types's street theater..that's what downtowns were created for!! get over it!!
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
my little chickadees...
I have kidnapped 5 baby chickens..i did it on Easter and i done it for a reeason..the reesson I done it was to get a girl to kiss me and treet me nise!
if that there dont happin..and I meen soon, um gonna kill anuther baby chicken until I git a kiss! or if yuo perfer, you kan sho me your boob, eether one, one or the other...
sinsearly... Mick
Monday, April 25, 2011
climb every mountain...
ok so what's up with Wendy's infatuation with Kathy Ireland?? all of a sudden, Ms Kathy is appearing every few months on the front page of the News-Press..well I think I know why....Wendy is in love with Kathy and here's how I know: Kathy looks sorty like Rob Lowe in a wig so there's a weird sexual tranference there and Kathy and Wendy dress up like animals when Kathy comes over to Hope Ranch and they run around the grounds like wood nymphs and that turns Wendy on! thank God I got Freud to help me figure these things out...
Kathy and know what,the advertisers and folks who willingly do stories with the News-Press should be ashamed of themselves.....I'm half thinking to call a boycott of the businesses who advertise in the News-Press..then they'll really be in the dark!! btw, the dufus in the N-P TV commercial by the lamp shade is Fred Mariea, the director of advertising...should be the director of false advertising!!
anyway...these two bitches, Wendy and Kathy, are starting to give me a headache, but as I'm watching the Wizard of Oz last night and after weeping at the end of the Sound of Music earlier, I became manically optimistic that good will triumph over wickedness..and Wendy is, the next time I see her I will throw a cup of water on her and see if she melts....
ok...does Jesus know about Kathy's shady business practices with folks who do her dirty work... her use of sweatshops to make her line of clothing; or her exploitation of the Gee Bend quiltmakers in Alabama.....(google them)
Four Brooklyn garment factories, including one that produced clothing for a line that Kmart sells under the Kathy Ireland label, have been raided by law enforcement officials, and their owners and managers have been arrested for operating sweatshops, the Brooklyn District Attorney said yesterday.
One of the factories, at 900 60th Street in Sunset Park, made women's suits and jackets for the label of Ms. Ireland, an actress and model perhaps best known for her appearances in the Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue.
In a case that once more linked celebrity endorsements to sweatshops, Ms. Ireland expressed dismay yesterday at the charge that a shop producing for her line submitted workers to hazardous conditions and paid some less than the minimum wage.
Ms. Ireland said she would cooperate with the authorities against such practices involving her line, taking a posture similar to that of Kathie Lee Gifford, the television host, after a labor advocate disclosed that her clothing line, sold by Wal-Mart, was being made by children working long hours for low wages in Honduran factories.
remember Kathy, Jesus loves the little children, too....
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Hoppy Easter!
oh boy..the Saturday News-Press left me nearly speechless...first of all we got a front page story about Kathy Ireland's relationship with Jesus, who she said taught her how to love....her Dancing with the Stars co-star!!!
the story, penned by Carolyn Bolton who for all I know may be Michael Bolton's wife, uses words like inerrant and refers to a young Kathy as an "18 years old", goes on to explain: Ms. Ireland said God gave her the ability to love her former "Dancing with the Stars" partner, Tony Dovolani, during a time when the two of them "didn't hit it off at all"... "we were so different," says Kathy, "he was stunned that I didn't have manicured hands; I was stunned that he did"....
I'm stunned that people can be this stoopid! ....but I'm glad Jesus came to your rescue, Kathy, and he lightened your load!
when I read that, I started to laugh out loud..that was the silliest Jesus story I've ever seen...Dancing with the Stars??? this is the reality these folks live in!! it's absurd! it's frivolous!! it's unbelievable!! it's ridiculous....
then the News-Press continues its trial and conviction of the Lompoc boys who allegedly killed the owlets...Steepleton goes over the edge giving the ID of a juvenile falsely claiming he had just turned 18, and giving out personal information!! the boys should save every article by the News-Press and present a case of libel/bias/harrassment...and ask for six figure damages.... HANG HER HIGH, FELLAS!!
I sent emails to the Fish and Game Jim Solis and the District Att McBeth in Lompoc asking for their opinions about why the Nature Con and National Parks Service weren't prosecuted for killing THOUSANDS of unique Channel Island animals..waiting for replies...there's a much more important story here than the owls and that is the unethical behavior of the News-Press..although no one is surprised...and due to the News-Press yellow journalism "reporting", any charges against the boys should be dropped!! so let's wait and see if the DA has any backbone...
my observation of Easter won't be around bunny rabbits, Easter eggs, candy, wealthy white girls and will be observed humbly as a Catholic should...a Catholic who sees thru all the bullshit of organized religion, and Calvary churches who worship sir..I'll have none of know, there is a movement of young Christians that realizes Nature and God are one...these folks are rejecting the old snake oil religion salesmen like Billy Graham and Pat Robertson ....they are going forth with the humilty of St. Francis of Assisi: Honored by the Catholic Church as the Patron Saint of animals and ecology, and even Italy, St. Francis was the founder of the Order of Friars Minor, more popularly known as the Franciscans. He is also considered the first Italian poet by literary critics. Apart from being regarded as valuable religious texts, his works have great literary value as well. For the ease of the commoners, Francis always wrote in a dialect of Umbria, instead of Latin. St. Francis called for simplicity of life, poverty and humility before God. He led his life serving the poor and needy.
yeah..just some good old fashioned spirituality that doesn't require you be a bigot, a child molestor, a homophobe, a moneyhound, or a freaking anal conservative....the Catholic church has strayed far beyond its purpose with nitwits like Kathy Ireland using God for absurd claims and to make money!!
but....I am very optimistic the new Christians will walk the walk and talk the talk.....and the talk says nothing about with Dancing with the Stars.....
Saturday, April 23, 2011
foot locker...
I don't know what's going on but I think I've slipped down the rabbit hole...the front page of the News-Press was more objectionable than anything I've ever done or seen on this blog..I think the Queen of Hope Ranch is trying to outgross me!! and gross me out!
the headline is bad enough: "Footwashing, feast assist the poor as Easter approaches"....I immediately lost my appetite....
then I see SB Councilman Grant House wearing rubber gloves, washing some dude's we need to see such foreplay on the front page of the News-Press?? but at least Grant uses protection unlike the Pope!!
I don't get this at all!! if you get to the point where you can't wash your own feet and you need a politician to help you, you might as well pack it in!! but the alternative is easy: turn on the shower, and get in for five minutes and your whole body is clean!!
this event was sponsored by a non-profit called Willbridge....ok fine but is this what people are thinking about to help the poor and humiliate them at the same time..this is exactly what the Unity Shoppe does!!
the event should be an incentive for the poor to climb out of their situation and live life on their own terms...just think, instead of Grant House, you could have a hot blonde at your feet, looking up at you like she wants to brutalize you, in a good way....that's possible fellas, but you gotta work for it!!
and Grant..I don't know what to say...except I'll never ever shake your hand again...
Friday, April 22, 2011
losing my religion...
so I'm sitting here in front of my slow ass slow this morning I'm almost in tears..I'm sitting here waiting for the stock market to I check my stocks and can't get any quotes...I wipe an actual tear from my eye then realize it's Good Friday and the market is closed!! CLOSED!! but why?
Good Friday (from the senses pious, holy of the word "good"), is a religious holiday observed primarily by Christians commemorating the crucifixion of Jesus ...
oh, I see..the world has to stop so the goddam Christians can commemorate the crucifixtion of Jesus...or is that in fiction....WTF is with these people? look at me, I get crucified airyday and nobody calls a holiday for it...
geez, can't you keep you psycho religion to yourselves?? you want me to obey the bible and to what God wants..start killing goats and little children..sacrificing little that what you want? is that why I can't make any money today??
fuck Christians, fuck you today!!
Thursday, April 21, 2011
the "freshest news in Santa Barbara" ??? only a moron would believe that crap!! have you seen the Noozehawk logo?? it's a dead hawk!! A DEAD HAWK!!
I have placed calls to #69, Wayne Pacelle, Daryll Hannah, People for a Humane World, Animal Planet, the Nature Con and the National Parks Service...
killing hawks and displaying them as your logo should be a felony and these murderers at Noozhawk should be thrown in jail!! it's a fact that if you display this type of macabre artwork an adult then you probably doodled as a child!!
shame on Noozhawk.... please sign a petition to make this a felonious felony!
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
candles in the wind...
well.. I 've talked about fat girls but I've never actually done a comparison between certain girl types...maybe it's time to do that...let's say we compare blondes vs redheads...I can do that..I'll try not to get too graphic...I can get graphic but some of you are easily offended...I could be real graphic like a graphic artist..I could get so graphic that some of you girls would run crying to you mommies..then you know what I'd do....I'd do your mommies..hahha!
but really...mmmm... ok so blondes...when I saw Marilyn as a kid I was enthralled..she was so ne sais was like someone cut out a paper doll and shined a flashlight thru her....she was so beautiful...light and feminine, a smile that could give you hope...and the blonde hair was ...pretty?? sexy??...the kind of girl you would kill a baby owl for... maybe??
then we got redheads..they will eat you alive I've heard, so be careful guys!!!
and they got freckles! who has freckles?? redheads, that's who...Lindsay Lohen is a cute redhead until she went blonde and then went crazy...Lucy's was red...I dunno, never really wanted to kiss Lucy maybe it's cos she liked Cubano guys? altho I liked Dino Desi and Billy as a kid....Sigourney Weaver's pretty fine..the year of living dangerously would be me and her vacationing in Arizona.... but she likes gorillas...
so who wins?? and what about chicks with mustaches? I've seen some lately and they're not bad..I'm not talking about the Gee Gordon Liddy mustache, I'm talking a peach fuzz shadow....above her lips...and on her arms..hairy women are starting to attract me...but hairy or not, no matter how you slice it, if I had a dime for every stijve, for every trique, for every Stander, for every pau duro I've experienced thanks to a woman, I'd be a wealthy man...a wealthy man....
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
funny papers...
Sunday's front page reminded folks again about all the awards the News-Press has won from the California Newspaper Publishers Association....well someone told me that some facts were left out and sent this bit about the N-P TV ad with the dufus sitting by a lamp claiming to be in the dark without the News-Press... I thought it was pretty here it is...
"The News-Press has a television ad running in which people talk about why they subscribe. It ends with a man sitting by a lamp, saying: "I read the News-Press every day, because without it, I'm in the dark." Then he switches the lamp off.
Well if you read Scott Steepleton's story on Sunday about the annual newspaper awards handed out by the California Newspaper Publishers Association, you'd STILL BE IN THE DARK.
Steepleton, er, the News-Press, neglected to tell you about all the other local papers that won awards, among them:
The Daily Sound, one award; the Lompoc Record, two awards; the Santa Maria Sun, one award; the Santa Maria Times, four awards; the Santa Ynez Valley News, five awards.
And by the way, the Ventura County Star won eight awards, including a second-place for General Excellence. Among the Star's other awards were first-places for Best Writing, Best Online Coverage, Best Video and Best Website, in the same circulation size category in which the News-Press competed.
And would you believe the Santa Cruz Sentinel, another beach city newspaper, but with even smaller circulation than the News-Press, actually won 15 awards, TEN of them first place!
I'll put my lampshade back on now"......
Monday, April 18, 2011
At Seventeen...
Sunday, April 17, 2011
things we said today...
Scott Steepleton has been re-writing his poor attempts at reporting for three days..each time a bit more confused...the story is about the young woman, Chelsea Jeanne Curtis, who drowned by Stearns Wharf least he mentioned that SB Bank and Trust has set up a fund for her kids..and Scott did replace the word "naked" with "disrobed" in a fit of conscience perhaps...I still think he should be fired for total incompetence...but Wendy only fires union supporters...
the Friday edition of the News-Press had no you think homo Lanny is out of a job? probably not but what if Wendy and Nipper had fits of conscience and let him go.... that would be cool cos I could coinceivably run the News-Press now from my desk calling the shots....with your help of course!
remember homo Andrew Breitbart, the guy whose luncheon at the Montecito Country Club was mocked right here..well, Andy and Sarah Palin showed up at a tax day rally in Wisconsin to support Gove Scott Walker, the little Koch sucker...Andy's crowd was outnumbered by union folks, about 5000 to 500..and Brietbart told the teachers and nurses to go to hell because they were dividing America!! no Andy, they are the backbone of America while you guys are the pampered princesses..and I am getting very tired of hearing about you and your wealthy friends try to steal the workers a matter fo fact, I'm not done with you yet....keep in touch and stay tuned....
gay studies..
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Earth to Santa Barbara...
Friday, April 15, 2011
Pedro the Gardener
Thursday, April 14, 2011
endless sleep...
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
a dogwing conspiracy...
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
without fear or favor...
of friend or foe....
dummy headline here
there's no storythere's no storythere's no story
there's no storythere's no storythere's no storythere's no story
there's no storythere's no storythere's no storythere's no story
there's no storythere's no storythere's no storythere's no story
there's no story there's no storythere's no storythere's no story
there's no storythere's no storythere's no storythere's no story
there's no storythere's no storythere's no storythere's no story
there's no storythere's no storythere's no storythere's no story
there's no storythere's no storythere's no storythere's no story
there's no storythere's no storythere's no storythere's no story there's no story
there's no storythere's no storythere's no story
there's no storythere's no storythere's no storythere's no story
there's no story...
Monday, April 11, 2011
Garden Party...
so off I go to the upper village in Montecito...I get to the Tecolote book store and see Wayne sitting behind a little table, smiling and signing books at about 2:50 PM..I start taking's a beautiful sunny day...there's about 15 people milling about... then I notice Pedro Nava talking to some folks..a new additon to Team Wendy..putz!
and look who is standing in line..young chicks and cougars! There was magic in the air! I stand by the shade of the old oak tree and watch them but I need to get in line if I want to ask Wayne a I'm standing there..watching..Wayne is giggling with his fans..taking pictures with them.. "Oh he's so cute" they keep saying of Wayne.... man there's some fine perfumed pussy here from good rich families....I'd like to please myself all over their pretty Sunday dresses like Ricky Nelson said in his song...
so I finally got face to face with Wayne..he's sitting and I'm standing...he's still smiling until he sees me..he goes giggly girl here pal... I ask him what the official stand of the US Humane Society is on the Channel Island slaughter of thousands of animals by the Nature Conservancy and NPS over the years.....he says they've been very critical of it..I ask if that acknowledgement is on their website, he says he doesn't know....nice kid.. more fancy cars pull up, more fancy non-profit folks sure do live well!
ok so I'm back to the old oak tree when I see Wendy and Nipper walking up dressed in white with the sunglasses on... who do they think they are..John and Yoko?? you know what...they are both short with short arms...they looked like a couple of little midgets, certainly not John and Yoko! I swear to God, I thought they were taller and Wendy was homely as hell and her boobs are hanging around her know what's gonna happen..back problems in a few I would suggest a support bra, Wendy..just looking out for ya!! so I take some pics and walk up to them and ask: why don't you guys do a story on Lanny Ebenstein's grow house issues in Eureka?? Wendy says in a huff "there's no story" and walks away without Nipper, sticking her nose in the air!!! what a brat!! I think she loves me!! I chucked and turned to Nipper who was fuming and said..."there's no story"...he's very short with me..did he know who I was?? then I keep talking to him: no story? a guy from your paper who got sued for operating a grow house is no story?? NEWSFLASH WENDY: YOU OWN A NEWSPAPER!!
then Nipper says it was civil case that got story..then I say Lanny's got four houses in foreclosure up north and yet he's writing editorials about economic issues as some sort of expert?? Then Nipper says: he doesn't work for us, so it doesn't matter! I said sure he works for you....then Nipper looks around for I say: so anyone can write a guest editorial for you...Nipper says yes in a snippy tone, looking very perturbed and defensive while he's talking to I say Ok, I'll send one in for ya..he says go ahead and looks for Wendy...he keeps turning his back on me... that anyway to treat a paying customer??
ok...that's enough honky tonkin' was time to leave..
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Wayne's World...
Saturday, April 9, 2011
going postal...
now I've been monitoring the slick crook Darrel Issa...the chair of the gov't reform committee..that in itself is laughable...but he is holding hearings with his conservative buddies, on the US Post Office..they berated the Post Master General for having unionized workers!!! I couldn't believe it..these little pencil neck fucks were screaming at the PMG, who sat there like a man and answered all their, I would have got up walked over to the dias and clobbered Issa, the little pukeface scum sucking rat eating limp wristed petty thief!! I would love to meet him so I hope Wendy invites him to speak at the Young Miss America Foundation cos I'll be there..front and center...
Issa is the guy who gave us Arnold as governor and started the ball rolling for all these other jackasses to become governors....Christie, Walker, Scott, Kasich...all punks and corporate jerkoffs... and Issa is a crook...a long history of fraud and robbery and how he got elected is a mystery to me...there is so much work to do to exposed these little pea brains and recall them and get them the fuck outta office...and that's what I intend to way of another...
now, all these people calling for the Post Office to fold and let UPS or FED EX take over need to understand..UPS delivers packages, they do a good job, but don't deliver to PO Boxes and the Teamsters represent them; and UPS partnered with the US Postal Service for mail distribution;
Fed Ex also uses the Post Office for certain deliveries...
...and I happen to like the Post Office..the mail delivered everyday, the little trucks, the whole operation is very American..very traditional... unlike Issa..who is now on my radar..and that can't be good...
Friday, April 8, 2011
forgive me...
Thursday, April 7, 2011
people are strange...
Obama friend arrested for soliciting a prostitute!! like that's Obama's problem??
Pawlenty of trouble: A campaign staffer for former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty’s presidential exploratory committee has been arrested in Iowa after attempting to enter a family’s home in the dead of night. Benjamin Foster stumbled into the backyard of a home in Ankeny, Iowa at 3 a.m. When the family dog began barking, 15-year-old Chloe Stewart woke up to investigate. She found Foster trying to enter her house after vomiting in the backyard. "His arm was in my back door, trying to get in and I screamed and went upstairs to my parents room and I continued screaming," Steward told local station
ACORN pleads guilty to voter fraud in Nevada..they paid some canvassers to register voters....
Lanny settles grow house case..pothead Calls placed to Ebenstein Tuesday were not immediately returned but Ebenstein's attorney, Andy Stunich of the Eureka firm Bragg, Perlman, Russ, Stunich and Eads, said his client did not settle the case.
"The insurance company that insured the property he owned, they settled the case on his behalf," Stunich said, declining to name the insurance company. "The reason they settled the case, and the reason they settle cases like this, is they figure the cost of hiring a lawyer to defend a case at trial is a lot." well, he didn't settle, the insurance company that insured the property did, on his behalf, but he didn't..he's innocent, but since the insurance company settled, they must be the guilty ones, the slumlords, the landlords who allowed a pot growing operation, because the real landlord, poor Lanny, didn't know what was going on with his property!! or his other properties in foreclosure??
that's what the lawyers said!! these guys! these guys are so full of shit it boggles the mind!! whatever happened to personal responsibility?? Dr. Laura can you tell me?? where does the buck stop with these people?? it's always lie lie cheat cheat and blame others!! and an insurance company settling a case like this seems awfully strange to me...what, did Lanny take out an insurance policy that covers grow house issues?? hmmmmmmmm....I didn't know home insurance policies covered getting sued for operating a grow house...strange....
in Wisconsin, they elect their judges and Scott Walker's pal Prosser lost to challenger Kloppenburg...Prosser once refused to prosecute a priest who was a child molestor!
and Walker is very generous to his partners in crime...
when labor activists showed up at Wisconsin State Sen.Randy Hopper's front door to protest about the anti-union bill before the state legislature, they got a juicier reaction than they would have ever dared to dream of: Hopper's wife answered the door and said she'd support his recall, because he'd moved in with his mistress. Now comes news that Gov. Scott Walker's chief of staff helped the mistress get a plum job with the state. Dan Bice reports that Valerie Cass, 26, secured a gig with the Wisconsin Department of Regulation and Licensing February 7. She's being paid significantly more than her predecessor at $20.35 an hour. The department got Cass's name from Keith Gilkes, Walker's chief of staff. Cass's position is temporary--she can't work more than 1,043 hours per fiscal year. But if she did work a full year, she'd make about $43,000--that's $12,000 more than her predecessor..strange days indeed..
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
sunshine on my shoulders..
while all of those little native only cult members are running around crying about biodiversity, I have already proved they are full of it..I have proved beyond a shadow of a doubt, beyond the pale, that biodiveristy is a other words, there is no such thing as biodiversity.. but there is such a thing as Spring..there's Summer~ Fall ~Winter...and are in Spring right does it feel?
well, if you're me and you aren't it feels good! I love smells good..the birds are out the flowers are out, the, the ..the..well, it's all out...and while like I said there are people who can't go outside without berating a plant, I go out and marvel at them....every spring the wildflowers, the roadside weeds, all grow in their own niche...the purple thistle is amazing stuff..scary and don't touch'll hurt you bad..but the purple finches love it..the silky innards are used for nests....remember that...the birds use non native plants for their nests..that's one more way these seeds get around..dispersal is life, not biodivesity!!
politics...I was watching the races in Wisconsin online overnight and they were exciting..the Supreme Court judge race between teabagger and lib was too close to call..High court race is "too close:" The race for Wisconsin Supreme Court won't be decided until at least later Wednesday. As of 1:30 a.m., the Associated Press said the race was "too close to call" with 98 percent of all precincts reporting and incumbent David Prosser holding a 585-vote lead over challenger Joanne Kloppenburg....and a liberal won the seat that Scott Walker vacated when he was mistakenly elected governor by Wisconsonites who were on a cheese high..this dude is going down soon..oh, and he reversed his decision to promote a friend's son..the friend contributed big to Walker's campaign, and Walker paid him back DIRECTLY, no bargaining, just good old fashioned fraudulent cronyism..and these guys are trying to steal the pensions and rights of folks who actually work for a is high time to dump these teabaggers!!!
call me irresponsible...I am amazed at some of the local yokels who are giving financial advice when they can't even manage their own bank accounts....I've been watching them and will be doing a background check to expose these hypocrites...names you may have heard..Lanny Ebenstein we know about...but there's a few more that need the light of the sun to disinfect their diseased little minds....and they are on my radar..beep beep beep..beep beep beep...