don't hurt me now for her love belongs to me..ah

ohhh and I love these cold blustery days in California! I took a little hike at the Carp Bluffs and saw this giant oil rig erected in the middle of the trails...oh that must be the fracking thing?? no
Conocco-Phillips is dong some testing at the bluffs....hmmmmm...dirty energy...
later that night as I watched I watched the same news report as everyone else on
KEYT, things got really dirty
Sharin was talking about the porn industry possibly moving to Santa Barbara to escape the new condom rules...yes I watched and my mind raced as racey images kept popping up...
Sharin's ruby red lips pouted and her shadowy eyes got intense and dark as she talked about sexy dirty things... I wore a condom once and I still broke thru!!
and speaking of
dirty, have you seen
General Patraeus's mistress, Paula Broadwell..she's hot! an Army gal...I salute all you lady veterans on
Veterans Day!!! how could any man in the General's position resist Paula??
how could anyone tell her no?? these Army girls are sexy!!!

so everyone on the right is drooling over the
Benghazi attack on 9/11 and the killing of four American diplomats by Libyans....and many believe that's why Patraeus quit the
CIA so he wouldn't have to face the questions in a few days from the House Intell Committee....I don't think a
Four- Star General would be afraid of's possible but I'll wait to find out what really happened...the other problem is did Paula get to see any top secrets??
the reality is having diplomats in unstable nations is asking for trouble....the guys should have left Libya until after
as I said before, you can get killed in Libya or in Colorado watching a Batman movie..there's no shortage of crazies out there!!
feel the wasted energy flying by....

now back to porn.. I would not be thrilled to see the industry come to Santa Barbara or Carp...this type of business, like gambling, appeals to the addicts, the quick-fix crowd..of course there's alot of money to be made but when I see the
Casino give back some of the gambling money profits to non-profits, I cringe...will the porn folks do the same thing to curry favor? these industries just waste so much energy and I say the fewer the better....
but again... just try to tell her no..just try
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