well by all acounts Miley Cyrus the daughter of Billy Ray, is growing up to be a pretty young woman....she was on a Disney show Hannah Montana, but you can't stay a Disney girl forever...and she 's not stoner or loadie...she's just an all American girl with a little style and showgirlship..I like her!
now she has created a stir among the conservatives with her performance at the MTV Video awards..the ultra ultra conservative Parents TV Council were upset at Miley's attire and sexy vamping...and another parent wrote a letter to the world complaining about Miley....
the reason these people are upset is a mystery to me but it has to be the collective American Christian conservative sexual repression syndrome...I remember as a kid when Elvis was swinging his hips, I learned later that these same conservative types tried to ban the King....the fixation on genitalia hiding under the pants is bizarre
nobody messes with free speech and anyone who tries I will cut their fucking tongues out of their stupid little heads....you got that Christians...I'll cut your hearts out!!!!
besides, Miley's just trying to have a little fun....
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