Thursday, August 16, 2012

forever and ever, amen

You may think that I'm talking foolish
You've heard that I'm wild and I'm free

ok so we got two drunks and a girl...isn't that always the case?? the first drunk is county singer Randy Travis...gee Randy WTF happened....great voice- great Moody suits- some good songs and now this?? Randy was found drunk and naked trying to buy cigarettes..I think it's safe to say Randy Travis ain't in control anymore...

The convenience store security footage that allegedly shows a drunk, buck-ass naked Randy Travis buying cigarettes before he crashed his car last week is now in the hands of police, TMZ has learned

The manager of the Tiger Mart in Sherman, TX tells TMZ, officers came in to the establishment on Friday with a warrant and left with the store's entire video surveillance system -- containing the naked Randy tape.
According to the manager, cops took the whole system because nobody could figure out how to remove just the tape. Technology can be a bitch sometimes.

TMZ broke the story ... Randy was popped for DWI last Tuesday after crashing his car. Cops say when they arrived to the crash scene, Randy was completely naked. Cops also claim Randy threatened to shoot and kill the arresting officers.

then we have the guy who co-founded Crocs, the shoe company...high in Colorado
A witness told police that she had been driving by when she noticed Boedecker passed out in his car. The woman told officers she approached the car and knocked on the window, but the driver did not initially respond, according to the report. When the ambulance arrived, Boedecker shut off the car, got out and began to walk away, the witness said.

“[The witness] stated that Boedecker initially told her that he had just pulled over to take a nap,” Boulder police officer Patrick Vest wrote in the police report. “She stated that he changed his story to her a few times, later claiming that his girlfriend was driving, and described her as ‘bat—t crazy,’” according to the report.

As Vest finished his conversation with the witness, he wrote in the report, he noticed that Boedecker was beginning to get in his vehicle and Vest asked him to come speak to him.

“At this point, I had observed a strong odor of an alcoholic beverage on his breath and person,” Vest wrote. “I also heard him slurring his words. I also observed that Boedecker had unsteady balance. Boedecker appeared to me to be very intoxicated.”

Vest asked Boedecker for his driver’s license and noted that he fumbled as he removed it from a money clip, according to the report. Vest wrote that Boedecker “admitted to drinking ‘cocktails’ at a benefit.’”

When Vest asked Boedecker what his address was, Boedecker replied, “I have 17 f—ing homes,” according to the police report.

Boedecker told Vest that his girlfriend had driven them to this location and that she got out of the car and ran off after an argument, according to the report.
“He also stated that he had not driven, as he knew that wouldn’t be right,” Vest wrote.
Boedecker denied the witness’ account that he was passed out in the driver’s seat with the engine on when she found him, according to the report.

“I also began to ask about his girlfriend, and her [sic] whereabouts,” Vest wrote. “Boedecker began to tell me that she was ‘really f—ing famous’ and a singer. He then asked me if I knew who Taylor Swift was. I asked him where she went. Boedecker gestured casually towards a neighboring yard, and said she was in Nashville.”

Swift is dating Conor Kennedy, the grandson of the late Sen. Robert F. Kennedy, and the couple were photographed this weekend at the Kennedy compound in Hyannis Port, Mass., about 2,000 miles away. There is nothing to indicate any romantic connection between Swift and Boedecker.

Boedecker refused to participate in a voluntary roadside maneuvers test and did not cooperate when officers asked him to turn around, according to the report. They forcibly turned him around and handcuffed him.

“Boedecker began to immediately complain that this was ridiculous, and couldn’t believe we were doing this after all he had done for this city,” Vest wrote. “Boedecker remained verbally antagonistic.”

but...I'm gonna love you
Forever and ever
Forever and ever amen

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