Sunday, June 2, 2024

Run For the Roses

And it's run for the roses as fast as you can

Your fate is delivered, your moment's at hand

It's the chance of a lifetime in a lifetime of chance

And it's high time you joined in the dance

It's high time you joined in the dance

so what's been happening while I've been away??

well, the fog is a drag but it makes the colors pop for some reason...Trump has been found guilty of messing with Stormy and is now a convicted felon, among other things..what an embarrassment to America he is... the lemmings who follow him have serious daddy issues...they got the America flag upside down as is their logic, they wanna riot and lynch people...they are election-deniers and now, they are justice-deniers!! but stupid is as stupid does and they should read the flag code..

American flag right side up, please

besides, if they riot and lynch, they're gonna run into the American Armed Forces!

so bring it on, MAGA!!!

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