Friday, September 1, 2017

See You Later Alligator

after awhile crocodile


so the News-Press has been wanking about anarchists from the left..antifa and the troublemakers who interrupt speeches from conservative trust-funder racists from the Young Miss America Foundation that Wendy owns....

all the while, the NP is silent on the White Nationalists and Nazis who killed a girl in Charlottesville...Wendy didn't even bother to cover the event on the front page of her paper!!

may I remind Wendy that when Bush was President, his pals at ENRON were trying to rob people in California..and when Obama got elected, the Governor of Texas, Rick Perry wanted to secede from the the Lord in his divine wisdom is punishing Texas with biblical rains and the real anarchist is Rick Perry and he's a traitor..traitors should be shot..Trump of course appoints Perry as Energy Secretary

I happen to believe that Wendy and Nipper are white nationalists and they leave little clues in the paper from time to time..

and here's one I'd like you to the Business Section that nobody reads, they have three pages left WHITE...


draw your own conclusions


UPDATE: no wonder I couldn't find a News-Press anywhere on Saturday

EDITOR'S NOTE: Sept. 03, 2017  

September 3, 2017 12:10 AM Equipment failure
at the News-Press printing facility was the cause of a significant delay in delivering Saturday's paper.

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or meybe everyone at the NP was DRUNK!!!


Anonymous said...

Check your count, it was four blank pages. Regardless of the reason, that is an expensive and embarrassing mistake. Perhaps it is a test to see how many people notice.

Anonymous said...

Yesterday's news tomorrow-Santa Barbara News Press. Dilbert is the only thing worth reading. It is available at for free.

Perhaps the pages were printed in invisible ink for a little intrigue. From

"Any invisible ink can be made visible by someone who is sufficiently determined, but the limitation is generally time available and the fact that one cannot apply hours of effort to every single piece of paper. Thus successful use of invisible ink depends on not arousing suspicion that invisible ink may be present.

Telltale signs of invisible ink, such as pen scratches from a sharp pen, roughness, or changed reflective of the paper (either more dull or more shiny, usually from using undiluted ink), can be obvious to a careful observer who simply makes use of strong light, a magnifying glass and his or her nose. Also, key words in the visible letter, such as "heat" or any other odd code name, in an out of place context may alert a censor to the presence of invisible ink. Invisible ink is not effective with glossy or very smooth paper types, since the sizing of these papers prevents ink from being absorbed deep into the paper and it is easily visible, especially if the paper is examined under glancing light. There are, however, commercially available inks for non-porous surfaces that are only visible under ultraviolet light and are otherwise virtually invisible on such surfaces.

Using either ultraviolet light or an iodine fume cupboard, messages can be quickly screened for invisible ink and also read without first permanently developing the invisible ink. Thus, if a censor uses this method to intercept messages, the letter may then be sent to the intended recipient, who will be unaware that the secret message has already been intercepted by a third party.

A "screening station" theoretically could involve visual and olfactory inspection, an examination under ultraviolet light and then the heating of all objects in an oven before finally trying exposure to iodine fumes to produce optimal security in optimal time."

Mick Von Caw said...

actually, there were 43 blank pages ..hahaha!