Thursday, September 14, 2017

Burn Down The Mission

If we're gonna stay alive
Watch the black smoke fly to heaven
See the red flame light the sky

so it looks as though Father Junipero Serra was scalped...the statue at the Mission in SB was vandalized..the vandals took the handles and Serra's head and poured red paint on him..the scene was so gruesome, authorities covered the statue with a tarp! never seen that before

one headline had it this way: Amid the Democrat Party’s nationwide jihad against US history and culture the statue of St. Junipero Serra was vandalized in California again this week.

but that's just silly alt-right babble

now who would do that to Junipero's statue? potheads that's who!!

we know the Indians use alot of pot and other hallucenogenic plants..and we know there's the story that in reality, Father Serra terrorized the natives and forced them to build the Missions..

well I don't know about all that 'cept to say-

they did a pretty good job

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