Sunday, February 26, 2023

The Sound of Music

the hills are alive!

It's crazy cold outside and the storms have brought a few of my favorite things: raindrops on roses, hail, snow, wind and even a western bluebird...

I urge you to climb every mountain, ford every stream and even if you don't find your dream, you may see some edelweiss...

How do you solve a problem like Maria? I don't know, but sometimes you gotta stop and catch some of the beauty that surrounds us..

it's like catching moonbeams in a jar...

Monday, February 20, 2023


"Let us be lovers, we'll marry our fortunes together

I've got some real estate here in my bag"

So we bought a pack of cigarettes and Mrs. Wagner pies

And walked off to look for America

What the hell is going on in Santa Barbara??? people getting shot and stabbed day and night yet the City is only interested in killing ice plant by the beach!

Mayor Rowse??? you seem to have lost some of that old mojo..maybe it's time for a "mental competency" test??

well anyway, Happy Presidents Day! (except the buffoon)

You look for your America and I'll look for mine...

in a nice Shelby Mustang, if you don't mind too much...

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Heart of Gold

I've been a miner for a Heart of Gold

So what's been happnin lately?  does it make sense to use a $400000 US missile to shoot down a $1000 Chinese balloon? no, not economic sense...just because I have Chinese radios doesn't mean I'm a doesn't mean I'm not, either

it's Black History month, yet some white folks are trying to take America back the days of segregation and lynchings...Alabama, George Wallace..geez!! I disavow these white people...

The Santa Barbara International Film Fest is going on and I swear I saw actress Helen Hunt (Twister, As Good As It Gets) hanging out by the highway a few weeks ago...looks like her

Helen Hunt???

and Cate Blanchett and Jamie Lee Curtis are two cool chicks adding some class to the proceedings...

RIP Burt Bacharach..with Hal David created some songs that will live forever in our hearts....

Me and the egrets continue to watch the Bikepath from Hell construction...actually, it's a short, 8-million dollar dog path from Santa Claus Lane to Carp Ave that the City of Carp and the County of SB colluded to build...I sent them all a note wondering why they would spend so much money on a dog path but neglect Via Real, which is filled with potholes and crumbling asphalt and needs to be repaved..I advised them to get their shit together...except Laura Capps, she's innocent 💕

and I'll have something to say about the weed house on Santa Claus Lane they approved..I am getting awfully sick of these gov't mules being owned by the Carpinteria Drug Cartel, the cannabis fucks, the stoners..and they will hear me loud and clear! later...but I bet the flower growers turned drug dealers wish they were back in the flower biz for Valentine's Day!

Speaking of flowers, the California poppies will be covering the hills...Gorman is a good place to see them; Lake Elsinore should have a nice bloom, but if you go, they will arrest you! Too many people trampling the poppies but that is silly...the officials need to get those tourist dollars for the local businesses and turn the event into a celebration..the town's mayor needs to resign because she is insane and the rest is just poppycock!

I'm hearing stories about the big rains pushing gold from the mountains down into the valleys, leading to a bit of a gold rush in California...

there's a few creeks around here, one just up the hill and I might just grab my green pan and see if I can't find a couple ounces of gold...

under all them rocks

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Golden Lady

Golden Lady, I'd like to go there

Golden Wattle is a wonderful, green plant with yellow flowers, esp visible on the roadsides... it adds balmy fragrances to the air when you're on your bike...also known as acacia, it's got a short life, but you know spring is right around the corner when you smell it...fennel, too!

a flock of lesser goldfinches!!

now, I see the City of Santa Barbara is on a quest to rid the acacia from the Douglas Preserve as part of the fire prevention/invasive species management program...this is all just total BS!! 

Golden wattle doesn't burn well, is not invasive, and it'll be gone by summer of its own accord...and the winds and rains will ensure it will always be why waste  time and money trying to get rid of it? the nativists in the city gov't and in Parks Dept can't leave well enough alone...and the recent rains washed all their little plant schemes away...

I'll stop my bike or truck to be around the plants and breathe in the sweetness of the coming Spring...

Golden wattle hurts nobody, is used by birds, bees and butterflies, has tons of good karma...if you're walking the Douglas Preserve, the yellow flowering acacia is something you should experience...

When you indiscriminately remove plants, you destroy the beauty of a place...

to the City of Santa Barbara:

Don't Be Ugly