Golden Lady, I'd like to go there
Golden Wattle is a wonderful, green plant with yellow flowers, esp visible on the roadsides... it adds balmy fragrances to the air when you're on your bike...also known as acacia, it's got a short life, but you know spring is right around the corner when you smell it...fennel, too!
a flock of lesser goldfinches!! |
now, I see the City of Santa Barbara is on a quest to rid the acacia from the Douglas Preserve as part of the fire prevention/invasive species management program...this is all just total BS!!
Golden wattle doesn't burn well, is not invasive, and it'll be gone by summer of its own accord...and the winds and rains will ensure it will always be why waste time and money trying to get rid of it? the nativists in the city gov't and in Parks Dept can't leave well enough alone...and the recent rains washed all their little plant schemes away...I'll stop my bike or truck to be around the plants and breathe in the sweetness of the coming Spring...
Golden wattle hurts nobody, is used by birds, bees and butterflies, has tons of good karma...if you're walking the Douglas Preserve, the yellow flowering acacia is something you should experience...
When you indiscriminately remove plants, you destroy the beauty of a place...
to the City of Santa Barbara:
Don't Be Ugly