Sunday, June 30, 2019

Turning Japanese

I think I'm turning Japanese..

so on the front page of the Saturday News-Press is a story about Fiesta, Old Spanish Days and the gal who is portraying Saint Barbara:

The new Saint Barbara is a dancer, musician and whale watcher
The dame to portray the city's patron Saint Barbara for this year's Old Spanish Days Fiesta is Debra Fedaleo. Born in Bakersfield and raised in Santa Barbara, Ms. Fedaleo became a member of the Native Daughters of the Golden West — a statewide fraternal organization of California-born women....

the Native sons/ Daughters of the Golden West were a racist group formed under white racist fundamentals....

Founded respectively in 1875 and 1886, the Native Sons of the Golden West (NSGW) and Native Daughters of the Golden West (NDGW) are fraternal organizations officially dedicated to preserving the history of California. Although in theory membership in the twin groups was, from the beginning, open to any California-born citizens, both groups were in reality all-white, and they served as the leading organizational vehicles for anti-Japanese activism in California over the prewar decades. As early as 1907, the Native Sons approved a resolution calling for the exclusion of all "orientals" from California.

“Japanese are less assimilable and more dangerous as residents in this country than any other of the peoples ineligible under our laws…They do not come here with any desire or any intent to lose their racial or national identity…They never cease being Japanese…In pursuit of their intent to colonize this country with that race they seek to secure land and to found large families…They have greater energy, greater determination, and greater ambition than the other yellow and brown races ineligible to citizenship, and with the same low standards of living, hours of labor, use of women and child labor, they naturally make more dangerous competitors in an economic way.” 

Today Mexicans are the new Japs and the same racists are at it again, trying to demonize people who aren't white, rightwing Christians....

for some reason over the years Santa Barbara has been trying to whitewash Fiesta and having a member of a racist organization like Native Daughters of the Golden West is just another odd attempt

did I catch Wendy and Nipper on a little cruise??

I'm not at all surprised the News-Press is featuring her propaganda on the front page as Wendy and Nipper are racists, aligning themselves with the Minutemen vigilantes on the southern border, among whom are killers and child molesters....

racists, killers and child molesters..nice

still waiting for Justive concerning thousands of child porn pics on Wendy's company computer

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Bless the Beasts and the Children

Bless the beasts and the children / For in this world they have no voice / They have no choice / 

I haven't seen a sunrise in a month of Sundays...but this morning I saw the sun.... I was joined by a hummingbird...blues skies and really nice but then the clouds came in again..nevertheless , I considered the sunrise a harbinger of good things..not a blessing really as my blessings are commensurate with my curses

when I go on a hike I don't take a dog or a GPS unit....I take a camera and a few knives in case I'm attacked...

on today's hike, I heard a voice, then I saw this bird...gorgeous..a common yellowthroat, I think

then I hear some rustling  across the way very cool to see wild deer in the bush, foraging

I felt blessed

Saturday, June 22, 2019

Time of the Season

what's your name, who's your daddy? is he rich like me?

it's that time of year, summertime, when people take their dogs into the hills, up on the trails and generally mess up the back country and my nature experience of's bad enough I have to see chain debris nets marring our trickling creeks, but now I gotta see clueless city folks with GPS devices hiking the hills with their dogs...the GPS is for when they will inevitably get lost

how can anyone get lost hiking? I mean, how stupid do you have to be? and why can't your dog find the way home? a dog should have the instincts to get you out of a jam

but nowadays everyone is pretty much helpless because all they do is stare at an iphone all day

and to add insult to injury, they have rattlesnake aversion classes for dogs!! when a coyote sees a rattlesnake, his instincts keep him safe because he's wild and free..but domestic dogs, useless as they are, go right up to the rattler and get bitten..the dog's instincts have been driven out by crazy, needy owners who pamper and use baby strollers to walk their dogs down the street...

Coyotes kill rattlesnakes mostly for food (but also to protect their pups at their dens) by teasing the snakes until they stretch out and then biting their heads and snapping and shaking the snakes...teach your dog to do that and you won't have any worries

but rattlesnakes are beneficial to the ecosystem..dogs are not- no way, no how

however, I encourage you to keep walking your dogs in rattlesnake country


Monday, June 17, 2019

The Cat in the Hat

“I know it is wet and the sun is not sunny, but we can have lots of good fun that is funny.”

I'm having fun watching the cannabis wars in Carpinteria...I have a solution to the bigger problem of recreational drug use...simply prevent the Carp growers from growing pot for recreational use..they can just grow medical Mary Jane like they've been doing for a few years

but now the pot growers are on the defensive..stories coming out about 4th and 5th district supervisors in bed with the Carp growers..looks like Das is in big trouble politically

and you got the pro-pot people pretending they don't smell anything while the anti-pot folks are gagging

so this chick Beth Cox is holding an infomercial for pot and she's dictating how people should feel:

Please Join Me On Monday, June 17, 2019  @ 5:30 pm City Hall 5775 Carpinteria Ave-In Support of Our @carpgrowers & Cannabis Growers of The CARPINTERIA Valley-

Do you live in Carpinteria?  This is an incredible place to live, Marvelous Magnificent Mondays, Terrific and Thankful Tuesdays& Thursday’s, Wondrous Wednesdays, Fantabulous Fridays, and always Supah, Sensational and Surreal Saturdays and Sundays.

Please stop the complaining.
Take ten steps back, then Breathe.
You are ALIVE………. in Carpinteria.

WTF Beth?? I'll feel the the way I wanna feel and you feel the way you wanna feel and maybe someone will feel you up because you sound like you need it

if the pot growers would stop lying so much, maybe a conversation could start, but I don't see that happening any time soon

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Right Place, Wrong Time

I been in the right place, but it must've been the wrong time

if you want, grab a picnic and come to Santa Claus beach...everybody's welcome here!!

I had high hopes for the looks nice and they promised us the moon..c'mon in and have a burger after a swim on the beach...the old Miramar was iconic but time caught  up with her and she was sold.. first to a disco coke-head from New York, then Ty Warner then finally Rick Caruso, LA developer..


Rico Suave I call him

but the recent blunder on the beach killed the seems from the stories that some parents and kids were enjoying a day at the beach  after graduation, below the Miramar, when some young men in blue suits looking like Jehovah's Witnesses or Wendy's Young Miss America Foundation conservative youth, confronted the parents and told them to leave the "private" beach..and they happened to pick on a hero of the mudslides, Abe Powell, leader of the Bucket Brigade in  Montecito!!

Miramar Beach Patrol

but this type of snooty behavior exhibited by the Miramar staff won't work in Montecito...sure there's rich folks here but they're not like Wendy..they're nice...I remember when we were kids we'd sneak thru the yards, the big mansions and yards to get to Shark's beach to surf..the homeowners just let us, they were so cool..we thought we were sneaking in and it was fun...then a little fire at the beach on cool foggy mornings

what makes Santa Barbara such a cool place to live is the cool people who lived here before us..they made it cool so we carry the torch but when uncool people move here, they mess up the cool...what the Miramar did was uncool.. and that ain't too dig?

so the new Miramar needs to tap into the history of the area but with rooms going for $800 per night, I think they may be targeting a different clientele who really don't care about the area got some 'splainin' to do

Thursday, June 6, 2019

That Smell

Ooh, that smell... Can't you smell that smell? 

don't worry Carpinteria residents..the Carp Growers have come up with a state-of-the-art odor abatement system to negate the concentrated cannabis odors killing off the neighborhoods

I was at the cemetery the day before Memorial Day and the stench from the Cravens Lane stoner farm was awful

but I have full confidence that these new neighbors will fix the problem esp as they grow and devour real estate for their drug growing operations

I'm just so proud of everyone getting behind this industry..

recreational drug use aka brave new agriculture

Monday, June 3, 2019

Within You Without You

we were talking about the space between us all

some lady columnist over on Noozwack was complaining about writers using the F word too much..she says only poorly educated and folks lacking social skills rely on the F word...she says in the future, use the F word only a few times if necessary...

I think she's fucking crazy

here's poem I's called "fuck"


fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuckfuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck

fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuckfuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuckfuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuckfuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuckfuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuckfuck 

fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuckfuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuckfuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
