I accept the Nobel Peace Prize...
these are the folks I wanna see in SB from now on..no more pretty boys and girls, no more mama's boys, no more trust funders, no more white punks on dope, no more old eaters-of-fish- eggs!!
..these..the real..the salt of the earth... such as Daisy and Violet Hilton the Siamese Twins, Schlitze the Pinhead Girl, Josephine Joseph the Half-Woman/Half-Man, Johnny Eck the Half

Boy, Frances O'Connor the Turtle Girl, Peter Robinson the Living Human Skeleton, Olga Roderick the Bearded Lady,
Koo Koo the Bird Girl..(hey how'd Wendy get in here???)
Martha Morris the Armless Wonder, and Randion the Living Torso (who rolls his own cigarettes despite having neither arms nor legs). However, this blog clearly portrays the "freaks" with dignity. As Madame Tetrallini (Rose Dione) tells someone, "These are all God's children." The true monsters according to this blog here, are the "normal" human beings, who will receive their just desserts (castration)!

and no more bigotry!!! "For the love of beauty is a deep-seated urge which dates back to the beginning of civilization"
Let's get jiggy friendly with "fringe" people.. from hoboes to sideshow tramps, let's find beauty not only in the physically whole, powerful, conventionally attractive characters like me and Olga Baclanova’s Cleopatra or Henry Victor’s Hercules, but in the authentic pinheads, armless women, legless men, Siamese twins, and the others who live in Santa Barbara...
let's live the peace we seek!!!