Tuesday, April 23, 2019

You Make Lovin' Fun

all I wanna do

so if you're looking for love you might try Santa Barbara Singles..or you might not


Jesus Christ..now I'm getting robocalls about lost dogs!! like I care

why is Santa Barbara treating everyone like children, shutting down thoroughfares so they can play in the streets..it's silly

next while I'm pushing the pedals on the courts online portals, I come across this
08/13/2019 8:30 AM 19CV01875 Fair Education Santa Barbara Inc * Anderle, Thomas P SB Dept 3 1) Case Management Conference Unlimited Civil Rights (08)

so we got the Fair Education folks doing another lawsuit against the SB Unified School dist for indoctrinating students into a communist, leftist lifestyle where white folks be the enemy...

"white people suck,  Beto"

recently the righwingers spoke at Wendy's Reagan Ranch Center warning about non-Christian Americans

"They are trying to share their values, their sinister un-American values with students and they think that everyone needs to be taught about the dangers of whiteness," Vadum said.

that's Matthew Vadum, kooky rightwing conspiracy guy..just google him as he once claimed poor people shouldn't be allowed to vote! 

so the Fair Education folks fall into line with this thinking  that if you teach anthropology or sociology, it's un-American...it's the stuff ol' Phyllis Schafly peddled: public schools are indoctrinating kids and turning them into leftist liberal robots like Nancy Pelosi...

Phyllis died of syphilis I hear

but since they lost the first lawsuit, Fair Education will try a local judge who I GUARANTEE will throw it out..more wasted money by rightwing nonprofits...so many of these rightwing nonprofits have poor ratings or are just scams, like Trump's were..set up to enrich his children!! he had to shut down the Donald Trump foundation charity because it was a scam

these righwingers are so screwed up mentally, they can't see what's right before them..an honest look at history will trace the roots of racism that remains to this day in many shadowy groups and  among ignorant white people

so here's some advice to Fair Education..stop the bullshit and stop wasting the court's time 

go for a walk on the beach or something

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