Friday, July 26, 2019

Summer in the City

hot town, summer in the city

geez,  recently I heard the uncensored version of Steve Miller's Jet Airliner on KTYD...what a breakthrough!!  good vibes for summer and KTYD!!  
we're flyin' now baby..rocknroll is here to stay

Trump: anything happens to AOC or the Squad you will answer to me

and plastic straws...I had lunch in Santa Barbara and they banned plastic straws, so I got a paper straw which disintegrated before I could finish my Coke!

ok.. Fiesta is coming up and last year some white jack-booted thugs rousted some Mexican street vendors just for being Mexican..hey they can't help it!!

but seriously, the vendors are part of summer in the city and now some hippies/enviros folks are worried about cascarones, or confetti eggs they sell...they seem to think cracking an egg over someone's head will pollute the ocean and they want the eggs banned

these are the same folks who walk their dogs on the sidewalks, in restaurants, at the beach everyday and don't think at all about the pollution all those dogs cause..the fleas, the dog crap
dog crap is a bio-hazard..the parasites can linger in the grass for YEARS and the list goes on and on about the dangers of all those surplus domestic dogs pooping everywhere

it would be more sound, logically and environmentally, to ban dogs instead of cascarones..or fill them with Rice-a-Roni


Monday, July 22, 2019

(We Ain't Got) Nothing Yet

Nothin' can hold us and nothin' can keep us down and someday our names will be spread all over town

shake up at KYTD radio???

when I tuned into KTYD this morning, something weird was in the air...the Morning Mojo kinda lost its mojo with the gal talking rather cryptically about people getting along

then Dennis Mitchell's Show from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm was automated..did Dennis leave or get fired?

Currently: Fresh off a successful run as Program Director & Mid-Day Personality at KTYD in Santa Barbara CA. Now Program Director of LV Classic Rock Radio on the web. 

from the web: Dennis Mitchell @RadioFreeDennis
Follow Follow @RadioFreeDennis

SantaBarbara radio listeners, I miss you and would love to hear from you. Give a shout at Y'all are the best!

Too bad he's gone...I think he was the one who stopped censoring Money by Pink Floyd and other great rock songs but now they will probably go back to the idiotic censored versions

and the Shoreline 500 was cool...

oh well..long live rocknroll..


Friday, July 19, 2019

Gone Gone Gone


geez how'd I miss this one: SCOTT STEEPLETON FIRED from News-Press according to the Independent, he was fired in May 2019

I hadn't heard from Scott lately or seen any of his writings in the News-Press, so I did a search and yep, he gone!

this guy was the biggest suckup to Wendy and Nipper...just crawling up their ass to make them happy and this is the thanks he gets..YOU'RE FIRED!!

I guess that means his wife got the axe more folksy stories in the Home section

now I have a litany of bad journalism examples from Scott over the years, the Peter Lance fiasco where Scott tried to discredit the SB Police Dept

the killing of Nicholas Markowitz  over his brother's drug debt and Scott's story praising one of the killers: so Pressley's write-up was done by Scott Steepleton who seems to like the "twinkle in Pressley's eyes and his disarming smile"

and yet Wendy kept him on as City Editor until May, then the new guy was hired and that was the end of Scott

but I wonder what happened...  his pal DUI lawyer Darryl Genis who was part of the Peter Lance team sits in jail for tax evasion and now Wendy has turned against Scott

does this mean the News-Press will make an attempt at honest journalism and stop the tabloid/yellow journalism that Trump likes..the National Enquirer and Rupert Murdoch's trash? 

probably not

Monday, July 15, 2019

The Sun Ain't Gonna Shine Anymore

the moon ain't gonna rise in the sky

so Wendy's YAF, Young America's Foundation aka Young Miss America Foundation has hired Scott Walker as CEO...that's right the same Scott Walker who was governor or Wisconsin until the great people of that great state voted him out..what a scoundrel he is but a perfect fit for the ultra-conservative YAF

of course YAF is a non-profit that benefits from Wendy's divorce money infusion and they also own Reagan's Ranch in the hills

basically, the kids are fed rightwing propaganda which is anti-union, anti-gov't, anti-public education because all these things compete with conservative Christian values

especially education..a good education, public or private, will teach you to think for yourself, think critically and not be force-fed propaganda like they force feed geese to make Foie gras

now Scott Walker is anti-union as can be..trying to reduce the benefits of public workers like first responders

and while he was trying to steal from public workers in Wisconsin, he used taxpayer money to bail out a Kimberly Clark plant to the tune of 28 million dollars! Kimberly Clark makes adult diapers and feminine hygiene things (YUK)

so Wendy and Nipper will have a lifetime supply of Depends diapers and they can all sit around peeing on each other and  the kids at YAF

courtesy of Scott Walker 

Friday, July 12, 2019

At The Zoo

something tells me it's all happening at the zoo

well I don't know about that...elephants, giraffes, snow leopards and now a white-handed gibbons have all died under strange circumstances at the SB Zoo..the latest being the gibbons who got his head caught in a net and choked to could that happen? could it be that the zoo officials are too busy throwing beer parties to care about the animals...

and contrary to myths, elephants are not dumb

I don't like zoos..I like circuses but not zoos for all of these cages must and shall be set aside..animals are not supposed to be in cages.. 

cages are for immigrants and their kids

Monday, July 8, 2019

Brother Love's Traveling Salvation Show

Starting soft and slow
Like a small earthquake
And when he lets go
Half the valley shakes

ok now weather guy Alan Rose over at KEYT says point-blank there's no sucha thing as earthquake weather...right after the Ridgecrest quake that was felt here

but I declare there is earthquake weather whether the weather is above ground or wit: The temperature of the air has an influence on the temperature below ground but that influence decreases with distance below the ground. The air at the surface and the earth’s ground surface exchange heat when the temperatures are different. Warm ground will help warm the air and cold ground will help cool the air.

now that means that whatever you think about earthquake weather, the fact remains that when an earthquake hits, there is usually some type of weather accompanying it

Posited Aristotle, who believed quakes were caused by winds trapped underground, less wind above the surface must mean more below, hence earthquakes were more likely when the air was still.


you'd be a fool to argue with Aristotle

Thursday, July 4, 2019

This Land Is Your Land

This land is my land 
From California to the New York island; 
From the red wood forest to the Gulf Stream waters 

This land was made for you and Me. 🗽 


while the private sector may send freshly scrubbed young Republicans dressed in suits, posing as security guards, running people off the beach, the gov't sends parks employees out in ATVs to make sure everyone is having fun


because this is America and this land was made for you and me!