Friday, July 26, 2019

Summer in the City

hot town, summer in the city

geez,  recently I heard the uncensored version of Steve Miller's Jet Airliner on KTYD...what a breakthrough!!  good vibes for summer and KTYD!!  
we're flyin' now baby..rocknroll is here to stay

Trump: anything happens to AOC or the Squad you will answer to me

and plastic straws...I had lunch in Santa Barbara and they banned plastic straws, so I got a paper straw which disintegrated before I could finish my Coke!

ok.. Fiesta is coming up and last year some white jack-booted thugs rousted some Mexican street vendors just for being Mexican..hey they can't help it!!

but seriously, the vendors are part of summer in the city and now some hippies/enviros folks are worried about cascarones, or confetti eggs they sell...they seem to think cracking an egg over someone's head will pollute the ocean and they want the eggs banned

these are the same folks who walk their dogs on the sidewalks, in restaurants, at the beach everyday and don't think at all about the pollution all those dogs cause..the fleas, the dog crap
dog crap is a bio-hazard..the parasites can linger in the grass for YEARS and the list goes on and on about the dangers of all those surplus domestic dogs pooping everywhere

it would be more sound, logically and environmentally, to ban dogs instead of cascarones..or fill them with Rice-a-Roni


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