Friday, August 2, 2019

Girls on the Beach

Ah ah ah ah oo ooo ooo oo ahh the girls on the beach on the beach you'll find them there in the sun.

so I read in EDHAT a bunch of eco-hippies say that our beaches lack biodiversity

"With this new information, however, they hope to turn some of that around. Managers of urban beaches, such as those in the Beach Ecology Coalition, have been receptive, the researchers said. It will take more education, they noted, but if the managers better understand, for instance, that native dune plants can prevent beach erosion and buffer against sea level rise, or that a healthy beach invertebrate population could take care of kelp wrack without help from heavy grooming equipment, some unique species richness and ecosystem resilience could be restored to sandy beaches."

this is all bullshit....these people come up with these studies to get money for restorations..then they can kill the non-natives and plant them, this makes sense because they think they can keep things orderly and under control...but nature is full of chaos and disorder...the restorations are folly..


in reality, the beaches are fine as far as I can see

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