Thursday, October 10, 2019

Don't Be Afraid of the Dark

it might be scary til your eyes adjust

What a beautiful, cold and windy October evening under an almost-full Hunter's moon..I was watching the news earlier and according to KEYT, I should be worried about sharks at Santa Claus and Padaro beaches..and a forced power outage if the Santana winds kick up....

some doofus with a drone got a pic of a shark off Santa Claus beach and he's worried about a Conception-like disaster if swimmers start getting killed...this guy is just looking for attention because no such a thing will ever can't even compare a shark swimming to  the Conception boat fire..the guy is a dummy..Chief Brody would be ashamed of him

-Swimming and surfing in an ocean filled with sharks is possible to do safely. The important thing is to use common sense when doing so. Sharks are at the top of the food chain in the ocean and must be respected...they've been here for millions of years!-

the only shark you need to be aware of at Santa Claus beach is me, baby

next thing I gots to be afraid of is a power outage, forced by the utility companies if the devil winds kick up...SCE and PG and E want to make sure they aren't blamed again if a fire starts in Fillmore and spreads to Santa Barbara...ok but I see no sense in shutting off my utilities just to save your corporate ass...try some preventive maintenance from a respected sub-contractor if one exists...

UPDATE: they shut the power off and still fires are raging in northern and southern California!

the private sector likes to cut corners to make more money, even if they burn your town down!

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