Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Once Upon a Time in Hollywood

"I’m As Real As A Donut"

I think I know where Quentin Tarantino got the title for his new movie 'Once Upon a Time in Hollywood'...from ME!!

I don't think Quentin got the title from a spagetti western

back in 2012 I did a blog post on the Douglas family...Kirk Douglas died recently and we know Michael is Wendy's pal so I was curious about some of the rumors going around..the post can be found here: 


and it's getting alot of hits lately...the post mentions a book:
 ONCE UPON A TIME IN HOLLYWOOD: Moviemaking, Con Games, and Murder in Glitter City
Rod Lurie (Author)

'This riveting Hollywood expose focuses on charming grifter Roland Jon Emr, who practiced his big con posing as a Hollywood producer until his untimely demise. Detailing Emr's notorious cons, journalist and film critic Lurie fleshes out headlines and police reports in a book seething with ambitious grotesques-would-be producers, actors, and scriptwriters-who populate the underbelly of Hollywood. While bordering on the lurid, he vividly etches a morality tale of how Hollywood dreams quickly turn into nightmares.'

now I'm not a fan of Tarantino..I think he's vastly over-rated as a film-maker, but this new one with Brad Pitt and Leonardo DeCaprio looks like it might be pretty good

but c'mon Tarantino, fess up to the title!

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