Monday, November 20, 2023

Statesboro Blues

I woke up this morning, I had them Statesboro Blues

I woke up this morning, had them Statesboro Blues


Elon Musk has designed a new electric fighter jet for the Hungarian army!!

Look out! Heads Up!!

The Channel Islands have been mismanaged by lunatics since the feds confiscated the ranches on Santa Cruz..."With authorization from Congress, the National Park Service seized control of Francis Gherini’s 6,300 acres of Santa Cruz Island in 1996, more than a decade after the island was designated part of the five-isle chain of parkland off the Ventura County Coast." Eventually, the former landowner was awarded 12 million dollars by the courts.

and the wonderful history of the islands: By 1864, tax records reported 24,371 sheep on Santa Cruz Island. The increase in sheep numbers probably was driven by demand for wool for Civil War uniforms and blankets. CIVIL WAR!!

and now we have news that two island plants have been restored and are off the endangered species list and the goal is to "restore all the islands back to the natural state for future generations"...all bullshit of course and a major scam by neo-nativists and on Catalina Island they want to kill all the mule deer off for causing erosion and being non-native...more helicopter firing squads....let's see, how many animals killed off to save native species?? THOUSANDS!!!!!!!!!!

meanwhile, in good old Santa Barbara...with the winter storms approaching, it's a stupid time to remove ice plant from East Beach!! a little "restoration" by the City of Santa plant is a good soil conditioner, thrives in sandy areas and doesn't need a separate irrigation system to keep it leave it alone, Jill!

and it looks like the City of Santa Barbara has done a disservice to the citizens, vis-a-vis State Street...our beloved State Street..they had to hire an outsider to help them reconfigure State and the result is a mess...and it is not inclusive!!!

I was crossing State St once on a red light, a cop was going by so I stepped back on the sidewalk...meanwhile a chick on the other side of the street was watching and laughing at me...we started talking and next thing I knew we were crawling all over each other...lotsa good times on State Street

but the pictures and artist renderings today portend a ghastly do you get emergency vehicles there with all the obstructions? I can't find the new haphazard striping in any DMV booklet!!

this is what happens when you have district elections!!

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