the French are not our enemy...a few years ago anal-brained Bill O'Reilly decided to use the FOX show his sugar daddy Rupert Murdoch gave him to trash the French..he called for a boycott because France didn't agree with the Bush invasion of Iraq..France was right, we were wrong and I was embarrassed to have O'Reilly as a fellow American..still am...at least he helped publicize the inane neocons for what they really are..poop eaters! Even the News-Press, in a brief moment of clarity, realizes this in their editorial praise of the festival.. but they mananged to knock the city council and exult Harriet Miller, who according to NP, started the festival poodle parade and just celebrated her 90th birthday! If I see Harriet on Sunday (the worst mayor we've ever had, Orange County junk bond scandal and state water/desal under her watch), well, I'm gonna push her over the foot bridge into the creek bed...RIP honey!!
now, the French Festival is back again..this festival is such a treat...held in the beautiful old Oak Park neighborhood with the ill-conceived Cottage Hospital expansion looming close-by, the vibe is always fun..I start by darting around looking at the exhibits and then park it under the oaks center stage to catch some music...first off we have an opera singer accompanied by a guitar player..they run through a bunch of fun and lovely French and English songs...very casual and then they pass the hat..like the old coffee house days!

Next up we have an incredibly beautiful young woman named
Jessica Fichot singing in French, English, Chinese... jubilantly, playing toy accordion and accompanied by a clarinet wiz , stand up bassist and drummer..
fantastic..bought her CD right then and there! and look at her....is she giving me the look of love or what!!

another French woman was playing with balloons, next to the massage exhibit tent and right next to my ear!! and nowhere to be seen was the much balleyhooed Statue of Liberty...maybe Sunday...
Mon Dieu, I love the French!!
Yeah Cottage Hospital is bad enough but most everyone who comes to the hood to go to these cheesie or in this case formagie festivals are no picnic either.
hey Oak Dorker..was that you on your porch with a bunch of tatoos on your neck and head?? you looked silly!
I'm more of a "get off my lawn" Eastwood look. Park 1/2 inch into the red zone and I'll get you a ticket delivered! Throw a crepe bowl in my yard and you'll get beaned. Knock over my mailbox and you'll get popped!
It's Dr.Dan Secord!!!
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