Thursday, July 26, 2018

Helter Skelter

When I get to the bottom / I go back to the top of the slide / Where I stop and turn / And I go for a ride / Till I get to the bottom and I see you again

Charlie Manson had the Manson Girls and Craig McCaw's got the McCaw Girls, i guess..

well the only reason I do this blog is cos I got nothing better to do..really...I started it to point out what a hypocritical nutjob anti-working class nutjob Wendy is ...she and all her little cohorts from Nipper to Scott..ok so after a long process and endorsements  like Orly Taitz, we know  Wendy is cuckoo..and the only reason she owns the News-Press is Craig McCaw's money..Craig turned a profit in the cell phone industry and Wendy was simply a beneficiary...and that's a spicy meatball!!

but on EDHAT and in the Indie we see the National Labor Board declared Wendy owes about 2.2 million dollars to past injured employees according to the ever-vigilant reporter/enemy of the people Melinda Burns...she's been on Wendy's ass since the beginning of the fallout so it's a victory for JUSTICE!!! justice has no time limit

the funny thing is the NLRB has 3 Republicans and 2 Democrats thanks to Trump!!

that's as funny as pure pussy grabbing material Kimberly Guilfoyle quitting FOX News to tour with her boyfriend Don Jr to MAGA for daddy!! 

now should we forget what happened 12 years ago, or last week??  no, we should remember

for all our yesterdays are simply our tomorrows packaged in today

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