Saturday, September 8, 2018

Green Onions- Part Two

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too bad the Polo Grounds Wine Festival was cancelled  today at the last minute..I wanted to see Booker T  Jones!!

pot boy in new Audi SUV follows me

so I went for some coffee and a paper, swung up to Highway 192 for some pics of pumpkins and down Cravens for a shot of the new cannabis facility, formerly grew's right around the corner from me!

then to the beach and Summerland when I noticed an SUV following me...I head to my fave place by the creek and the SUV is still on my tail..I pull over to the side  like I normally do and the guy stops in the road..I look over and say "what do you want, boy"  and  he says he's not my I say "what do you want, son?" then we get into a heated exchange.. asks me why I was taking pictures of his place... he says he thinks I'm casing his joint and if it gets robbed, he'll send my information to the cops..I laughed at such an absurdity

new pot facility on Cravens...these boys are touchy!!

I said it's not illegal to take pictures then I ask him if he's one of the new pot growers..he stammers then says "yes" I tell him I own a condo in Carp and am very concerned about what happens in my neighborhood

his demeanor changed and he became almost apologetic but I kept hammering...I said an orchid grower would not follow me around and harass me if I took pics of his greenhouses..I ask him if he's paranoid as pot induces paranoia....he says no he's just trying to protect his investment

we discussed pot and booze and I said it's like if prostitution became legal and all the hotels in Carp became brothels, we'd have problem....

then I told him I'll keep taking pics and now I got my eye on him..and he left

I know a few cops and I'll see if following me around threatening to turn me in for a crime I didn't commit is something that needs a restraining order...

these pot growers messed with the wrong blogger!!

you hear me, boy??

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