Friday, May 17, 2019


don't tell no lies...

so I gets this thing in the mail from the National Forest Service about a "Forest-wide Invasive Species Plant Treatment Program" and they listed the usual threats that weeds pose to humans, from fire to petulance...

sara orangetips likes thistle!

now I've seen this's the same script the National  Parks Service and Nature Con used to kill plants and animals to 'save' the inbred Channel Island fox...what they did was a crime and they should be jailed..people get upset when a dog is abused, but not so much when thousands of animals are slaughtered for no reason

President Clinton signed Executive Order 13112 in 1999 to control invasive species but we all know that Clinton is a douchebag

so here's my letter to the Forest Service:

Dear Forest Service,

The plan by the Forest Service to control, kill, get rid of a group of plants labeled non-native/invasive sounds like pure folly...the notion that only native plants should be here is also folly...the idea that you would apply weed killer in the forest is just plain stupid but complies with all the hysteria created by the biodiversity people...demonize plants and animals then kill them, like they did on the Channel Islands..the NPS and Nature Conservancy "biologists" should be in jail for this one point the Channel Islands idiots tried to kill honey bees for being feral!!!

weeds are beneficial: Fennel is wonderful to welcome spring with its licorice flavor...thistle seeds are used by purple finches...bees love the mustard plants..there's many natives living peacefully with nonnatives..everything has a life cycle and the plants will die the Forest Service, instead of concocting some grand invasion of its own, should do some controlled burns and employ reasonable strategies to control any real threat...

haven't you learned by now that chemical control of plants ends up in the food chain???

the Thomas Fire burned nearly everything in its path from cars to natives and suggest that natives are less susceptible to fires is nonsense

the Los Padres National Forest is not a personal backyard garden to be manicured to death and where dandelions are the enemy, so PLEASE manage our forests in California intelligently


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