Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Love is a Rose

but you better not pick it, only grows when it's on the vine

drinking and driving is dangerous because alcohol is a depressant and affects your motor skills; smoking pot and driving is dangerous because pot is a hallucinogen and you don't want to be hallucinating when you're driving the kids to school

you drink and get drunk you're a drunk; you smoke pot and get stoned you're a stoner...

if you pretend that none of this is true, you're in denial

now there are some folks out there who will tell you that drinking is good for you but alcohol is a poison which is not good for you; now that pot is legal, some folks will tell you that pot is good medicine and give goofy anecdotes: an autistic kid used to hit himself in the head but since he takes pot, he raises his hands and only pretends to whack himself in the head

but as I listened to the KTYD Morning Show, I heard some pro-pot chicks discussing the benefits of cannabis with the DJs..one chick said she was so thrilled that recreational pot is now legal like alcohol! oh goody, now we can get high and drunk LEGALLY!!!

the DJs interviewed the chicks as part of an event to educate the public on marijuana...ie the dealers are trying to pull a fast one because they want to make money off of the stoners and wannabe stoners...the DJs were easily duped

if you want an education in cannabis, sign up for a Drug and Alcohol Counseling  program and you'll see how harmless marijuana use is..it is basic psychology: people use drugs and when it gets out of control, they turn to people who don't use drugs to help them

there's many reasons people use drugs but in the end, the drugs will simply make things worse by screwing up your ability to cope naturally..

it takes discipline and commitment to go through life clear-headed..the Art of Clear Thinking...

but there's just so many lazy people who would rather smoke a joint than do something productive and useful

and now they are spreading their ignorance on the radio..


and still censoring Steve Miller's Jet Airliner!!!

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