Monday, December 9, 2019

Out of Time

you're obsolete my baby, my poor old-fashioned baby

so the Unity Shoppe is doing another Telethon after having closed down due to financial issues...I'm sure the same old people will be begging for cash, the Chumash will chip in some gambling profits and Nipper will be there acting stupid as usual...will Wendy participate? no, she will be hiding somewhere as usual

the Unity Shoppe business model just does not work so why do they keep pretending they are relevant? When the Unity Shoppe shut down for a month or so, the Food Bank was there to provide for those really in need, so I'll support the Food Bank, an honorable non-profit

speaking of obsolete, the News-Press had a story on their former editorial writer and blabbermouth Andy Caldwell, who held a campaign rally in Santa Maria in the rain...

Supporters of Andy Caldwell gather in a Santa Maria hotel parking lot to hear him speak about run for Congress

by Soe Han Tha December 8, 2019

obsolete teabaggers!
the last editorial Andy wrote was this one: Guest opinion: The Future They Will Never See
by Andy Caldwell November 4, 2019 

it was about oil and green energy but the point is Andy wants to beat Salud Carbajal...but I'm afraid Andy, that's a future you will never see

and Andy says: “I want to return our country to one country under God. I want to return our country to a country that’s indivisible,” Mr. Caldwell said on the makeshift stage. “I want to go back to the melting pot. I want to go back to promoting social and economic upward mobility for everybody.”


well how do you explain your admiration for a guy who promotes man/boy sex?? Andy thinks Milo Yiannopoulos who once wrote for obsolete Breitbart News is "brilliant"

I think he's a pervert..both of 'em

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