Saturday, January 18, 2020

She Said She Said

I know what it's like to be dead

Meagan, the lily-white chick on the Santa Barbara City Council said on KEYT now there's lotsa people of color on the council..translation: these Mexicans make me uncomfortable

"people of color" is a racist term....just sayin' honey

City Councilwoman Meagan Harmon said Rowse was a mentor to her on the City Council.

Meagan in white dress, of course

and then we got Randy Rowse in a Noozwack interview claiming he doesn't get unions..Randy's not as smart as I thought he was as he is termed out

"Now that the party and the employee unions have become one, basically, all over California, but intensely here in town, it's a tough influence, the strangest quid pro I think I have ever seen," Rowse said. "I could take $10,000 from you as a head of a union and then be elected and turn around and negotiate your salary two weeks later. I've never understood why that works out."

well Randy let me explain: if Wendy gives you $10000 you'll crawl up her ass...the unions support candidates who are PRO LABOR!!! they bargain, they pool the resources of the pro-union employees...every three or four years, the City and the union for city employees negotiate a contract...if approved, the council votes on it..there's no quid pro quo but we want to be sure the cops, firefighters, water treatment professionals get good benefits..

for years, conservatives have been trying to raid the pension funds of public workers, nurses and teachers..Arnold tried it, Pete Wilson tried it but they failed..

so it all comes down to conspiracy, no evil unions, just people trying to work for a living, raise families and retire without being subjected to the whims of capricious dictators 

conservative council members need to see the Gestalt of all situations and stop pissing on the public workers

or you could always privatize those functions

ha ha

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