Thursday, March 5, 2020

Highway 61

But the second mother was with the seventh son
And they were both out on Highway 61

I put Super Session on the turntable Super Tuesday to get the mood right...I don't listen to KTYD anymore because they censor AMERICA!! politics is down and dirty but that's what freedom costs....sometimes

now, for the record, Carpinteria is about avocados and the wonderful ranches.... the flower growers-turned-drug dealers came later

but there's some talk about the cannabis smell in Carpinteria..the issue is pitting neighbor against neighbor, making enemies of former friends, kinda like the Civil War

and the issue between Laura Capps and Das Williams hasn't been settled yet though Das holds a slim lead, maybe too much for Laura to overcome...the drug cartel in Carp was solidly behind their boy Das (they even bought him a panga boat!) and recreational drug use...recreational drug is an oxymoron and stoners are morons but the cartels (pot growers) depend on druggies to make money

Das's new panga boat!

it is ironic that the polling place was Casa De Los Flores, the tax-payer funded halfway house by the highway and close to the pot farms on Highway 192...everyone is high up there!

I've watched lots of shady people coming and going from the Casa and watched the cops visit the place on a regular basis...I may have to go undercover to see what's really going on over there

but back to the smell...of course there's an odor..that's a lot of weed under those greenhouses where flowers once grew..ornamental and odorless, but pretty and now replaced with non-native, invasive pot (haha)

the odors are along Highway 192 from the Polo fields to just past the Carp high school where the worst offenders are concentrated...the smell doesn't bother me much but if I had to live next to a pot farm, I may be affected moreso...

so the farmers need to mitigate the odors to satisfy the neighbors.. I don't care how they do it but whatever they use now does not work

if Das wins the election, he better put down that bong and get to work..if Laura wins, I have no doubt she'll tackle the issue without fear or favor of friend or foe

like the News-Press used to do

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