Saturday, March 28, 2020

Ode To Billie Joe

"There was a virus going 'round, Papa caught it and he died last Spring"

well what am I gonna do with my welfare check? part of it is going back the US Treasury and the rest will go to is tax season you know

so Trumpski is doing lots of press conferences due to the coronavirus and one thing is clear, he sucks at them..gets defensive, snaps at reporters, lies...he is used to the wasteful rallies where adoring fans cheer every word of his silly tweets...all orchestrated of course

now if Trump or the press secretary held regular press conferences, they might have learned about the C-Virus months ago and taken some action..but not Trump

Trump says he's the war time president but denies help to Michigan  Gov. Gretchen Whitmer because she "wasn't nice" to him... 

Trump is nuts and certainly is no FDR

there's a virus going 'round...

that's all you need to know

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