Wednesday, May 6, 2020

As Tears Go By

I sit and watch, as tears go by

Dear Visitors to the City of Carpinteria,

I apologize for the piss-poor leadership from the City Council and City management during this virus panic

the City is now engaged in idiotic beach parking games...first the giant signs, then they barricade the small parking lots, some can only hold less than ten cars, then they put up Timed Parking signs, all this at taxpayer expense...

the beach is open but they want to make it hard to park...the goal is to prevent people from going to the beach and to stop the spread of COVID-19 (Carp Stoner Logic)

but there's no evidence that people on the beach are spreading anything but sand

the City is following Gov Nuisance and his silly, stupid directives with modifications

meanwhile Carp businesses are drying up and blowing away

the city manager should be fired and the City Council needs to be voted out next election cycles


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