Saturday, July 3, 2021

In Memory of Elizabeth Reed

it's the  4th of July weekend!

the jubilees.. the jamborees..the shiverees!

and the fireworks show will happen in Santa Barbara like old times but then I get this message from Senator Monique Limón telling me to be kind and not set off fireworks because it will unleash a plethora of ills on society's down-trodden....fireworks will touch off restless-leg syndrome??????

look, I've been watching fireworks since I was a kid at the Gloucester harbor waterfront to the Santa Barbara waterfront...Wendy comes along with her deification of dogs and all of a sudden they want to stop the all-American 4th of July festivities to save the dogs

one night a year for a few hours of fireworks is not gonna harm anybody...there are no personality disorders associated with fireworks...this is all nonsense

now, do the Republicans have the sense to make adult decisions that matter to us? no

but if Monique keeps putting out these missives I'll vote for someone else

Santa Claus Lane is a good place to watch the fireworks but there's a new road sign there: BONFIRES AND BBQS PROHIBITED ON THE BEACH

ok, but what about a little fire and a cookout? those don't fit the definition of bonfires and bbqs, do they? no

so this 4th of July, party your hearts out, have fun at the beach, chase some grunion

and save a hot dog for me

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