Saturday, May 21, 2022

Tiny Dancer

Hold me closer, Tiny Dancer, count the headlights on the highway...

The News Press has listed their endorsements (WHOOPIE!!) for the upcoming election and they are all right-wing religious fascists or Q-Anon believers which means they won't win..but if they do win you won't be able to have sex unless you are a married man and woman with Christian values like the Catholic Church and the Boy Scouts...

I don't think Roe vs Wade will be overturned and we can't let these crazy Christians stick their noses into our bedrooms or our business...abortion is ugly but the decisions are between family and doctor, not the church or the gov't mules...INBREEDING IS NOT OK unless you're a Channel Island fox or from Alabama

now, since the gorgeous lunar eclipse, animals and birds have been acting strange... the birds, the bears, the lions and the tigers, oh my..I hope it's not poison but they seem disoriented..

like me

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