Saturday, July 30, 2022

A Case of You

oh, I could drink a case of you, and I would still be on my feet, I would still be on my feet

the economy is cyclical so don't panic...the price of food is a little higher but that will bring all you fatties in line to an acceptable weight..

bicycling is good exercise so's running, too... but when I was a kid we didn't need bike paths... we needed  bikes and a road with hills and tore it up...worked fine for me

the more I hear about the Modoc Road bike path the less I likes sounds eerily similar to the Santa Claus Lane bike/dog path that will connect SCL to Carp with big walls, dog waste stations and lights right by the Salt Marsh preserve...both projects are funded by Caltrans whose motto seems to be: more concrete, less trees, fuck you!

and the folks behind such development don't even own property here!!

County Supe Greg Hart just doesn't get it...claiming that building a big concrete bike path will reduce greenhouse gas emissions while at the same time advocating for the removal of 60 GORGEOUS trees on Modoc's just stupid to kill Eucalyptus and Palms for no reason and being "non-native" is not a reason...

but really, who wants to see a bunch of bicycle riders stop to take a pee in your neighborhood?


Anonymous said...

You must admit that it is fun to watch the various fanatics from tree huggers, butterfly police, bike geeks, tree spikers, urban warriors, land preservationist, transportation "experts," social engineers and the political hacks all line up like a naked mud wrestling match.

It will be fun to watch as we learn who has the real juice among the cloud of narcissistic, self-serving, aggrandizing, pandering and placating groups with their self-appointed crusaders.

Questions to ponder: What will happen if some protester moves up into a tree and establish a "habitat" and refuses to come down or a tree spiker lashes themselves to a tree when the construction starts? What if a butterfly is located? What kind of saws will be used to cut those large trees down? The new electric saws will burn up. These are but a couple of the perplexing questions of the day. And, most important, we must not forget the coveted CEAQ play book so often used as a shield of divine process by so many of these groups. No doubt it will look a bit different to some of them from the other side of an issue.

What about the contractor(s) to do the work? Will they be local or out of town union folks taking jobs away from the community? Or, perhaps they will be low bid out of towners, the here today - gone tomorrow types. What about prevailing wages? If they are from out of town how are they getting here every day - bikes? What about the heavy equipment required that runs on diesel?

And so it goes, question after question that pick away at the lunacy of it all. Once again, the late great George Carlin said it best: "It is all bullshit and it's bad for ya."

Mick Von Caw said...

ok, I admit it