Tuesday, October 11, 2022

The Haunted Palace

And all with pearl and ruby glowing

Was the fair palace door,

Through which came flowing, flowing, flowing

And sparkling evermore

it's October and I'm thinking about Bellosguardo, the Clark Estate, the Mansion on the Hill, so much so that I had a dream about it last night, enhanced by some tart, red wine from Argentina

I was in Santa Barbara and pulled over to park by the legendary East Beach before the City switched to the hideous angled parking scheme where you have to back in and before they gave Cabrillo Blvd to the bicyclists by reducing it to one lane...total vibe kill

but in my dream I saw a big white frog on a fence by the Bird Refuge, which was full of clean fresh water, so I crossed the street with some opposition as Jupiter opposes the moon sometimes..a big truck kept getting in my way

but I made it and there was an old blind dog walking around, and kids everywhere and a tree, a small, beautiful tree with birds on the branches and a pretty, lithesome young girl in a white flowery dress, tending to the leaves and things...I pointed my camera at the tree and she stepped out of the way, I told her I wanted her in the picture, but she just smiled and walked away, then disappeared...

I believe she was the ghost of Huguette Clark and when I woke up, I felt no pain

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