Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Yesterday's Papers

who wants yesterday's papers, who wants yesterday's girl?

so, the News-Press has stopped delivering papers via paperboy but since Wendy McCaw bought the News-Press with her big divorce settlement, the News-Press hasn't been delivering the news either, so what's the difference?

Wendy's a Trumper and a Birther...she'll never evolve and the 2020 wasn't stolen..at least not that I'm aware of

ok, so how many trees does it take to make a newspaper? too many! but now Wendy has switched to delivering papers by that dreaded gov't agency, THE US MAIL!! the USPS?? I voted by mail but who knows where the ballot will end up...

and it looks like Wendy jumped on the MODOC Save the Trees campaign with an actual News-Press editorial written by Wendy herself...now I have to wonder what she's up to...first she was against the Channel Islands Restoration, then she was for it, giving money to the Center for Biological Diversity which in turn applauded the Channel Island plan...never mind all the animals that were slaughtered, the plants that were poisoned and trees chopped down so now I'm supposed to believe she cares about some palm trees on Modoc Rd which the County wants to cut down to make way for an 8-million-dollar bike path...this may be a passive-aggressive hit job on Gregg Hart..not that I mind, I'm against any and all concrete bike paths, esp funded by Caltrans, and I hope the County gets the message and I hope Gregg Hart loses the election...but Wendy, how's about some consistency from now on

and speaking of 8-million-dollar sidewalks, the new section in Carp between SCL and Carp Ave is already seeing gay guys walking their dogs off leash!! (not that there's anything wrong with that)

when the City or County of Santa Barbaras say they are going to "restore habitat" that means trees are gonna get cut down and the City of Santa Barbara will remove three beautiful Ash trees on the Mesa for simply being labeled "non-native and/or invasive" a catch-all they use to demonize the trees they want to destroy....bio-nativism is a pseudo-science!!!

and same with eucalyptus which are NOT invasive in any way, shape or form..."Eucalyptus species are not invasive, having been planted commercially in Florida since the 1960s without spreading from managed plantations. EG and EA, along with Corymbia torelliana (CT), also may be used as windbreaks for citrus and vegetables. This circular describes potential applications and presents planting guidelines for these species."

see? the eucalyptus trees are beautiful if you open your eyes and for every ash tree they cut down, I will roam the hills and by-ways to plant another ash tree somewhere...

and no one will ever know

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