Monday, September 11, 2023

The Heroes Remain

America..there's tears in our eyes

from that day in September, New York

when terror filled our skies..

through the darkness and light

through the tears and the pain..

through the hell of it all..the heroes remain

I remember the heroes of 9/11...the Americans who died brave and free, attacked by religious fanatics from Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates and Egypt. The militant cultists chanted "GOD IS GREAT!!"  WTF is that supposed to mean??? as they crashed jets into the Twin Towers in New York. They hated America, freedom and democracy. They were in America on visas or passports...

One of the hijacked jets, Flight 93, was most likely headed for the Capitol but the passengers fought the terrorists and it crashed to the ground...the crew, the passengers were heroes 

the QAnon MAGA conspiracy theorists say 9/11 was an inside job by the American gov't, and the planes were full of feds... these whackos always pick the least plausible explanation for any situation that confuses them!! 

The shameful Jan 6 debacle dishonored every American who died on 9/11 and those who fought, were injured or died for their country in WWII... Can you imagine a bunch of highly agitated country hillbillies, egged on by an orange-faced buffoon, trying to finish the job at the Capitol bldg for the Islamic terrorists??? Trump will never be POTUS again!

but whether it's foreign or domestic enemies, America always takes care of business...

and the heroes shall remain

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