Sunday, December 17, 2023

Silver Blue and Gold

Oh, give me silver, blue and gold,

The colour of the sky I'm told,

My ray-ay-ain-bow is overdue

is that Merlin the Magician, or the new December moon?  Is it not magic to turn day into night, to stir the winds at sunset, and conjure western bluebirds to my tree?

this is akin to shapeshifting!

COMMUNIFY: anyone uses that term around me will be met with blunt force trauma...

I read this on Nextdoor Neighbor

Ennisbrook ∙ Yesterday at 10:19 AM

Hi neighbors.

Two days ago one of my dogs was attacked and taken by a pack of Coyotes that were walking along the entrance of Ennisbrook Trail. After searching for hours we thought we had lost him, but by some miracle we got a call from animal services that a neighbor had found him still alive. Thankfully he made it through his critical condition and was just released from the animal hospital. Many owners don’t get as lucky as we did, and I felt the need to warn everyone to please keep their pets safe ❤️ if your dog has some Mississippi leg hound in him, the coyotes may take him down and if you are walking in the hills, you are in coyote territory...and of course, dog people blame coyotes for everything, just as nativists blame eucalyptus trees for perhaps some karma is due..

I got no problem with pretty women walking their dogs in town or on the SCL path but remember: coyotes are smart, adaptive and independent...they are everything your dog should be, but will never be... 

as long as that leash is around his neck...

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