Now the real problem with this scenerio is the N-conservatives depend on big money donors instead of working for a living to attend al these social functions..this serves as a control apparatus for the donor like Wendy Pee McC
and they point to Massachusetts as the turning point against Obama politics, but it is not at all..New Englanders are just fed up with the Kennedys!
Now, the state that demands attention is Minnesota. the two Democrat senators are Al Franken and Amy Klobuchar. Amy will explain the health care situation better than anyone in America..listen to her
There are eight districts with various right and left winger reps, but the standout looney is the lovely Michele Bachman, who fears for her candidacy and wants FOX NEWS to help her out! She already has quitter Sarah Palin to stump for her in this is a great opportunity to see if Minnesota will go for the Fargo girls or send them looking for real jobs...
The 6th District wraps around the northern half of the Twin Cities and stretches west past St. Cloud. Its voters have tended to support Republicans, but not always; they helped put former professional wrestler Jesse Ventura in the governor's office a decade ago and backed Democrat Amy Klobuchar for Senate in 2006.A partial list of who is responsible for nations ills according to Bachmann, gays, unions, socialists (democrats), blacks, immigrants, terrorists, abortion doctors, poor people, blah blah blah. Neocons have done much to harm California and this country and now they are working feverishly to shift blame from Wall Street, Enron, crooks like Darryl Issa and Arnold to the working class..some easily-led folks are falling for it but we can't afford to have the rich dictate the rules anymore..if we haven't learned that from the Bush years, maybe collectively we're too stupid to do anything about it...locally, you know the righties have run out of ideas when they want trustfunder oldster Brooks Firestone to run against Lois Capps..Brooksie's tenure on the Board of Supes was more comical than anything else..promoting Mike Brown when he should have been fired is one example...the rightwing members of the board just don't get it! greed needs to be regulated!!!
as for Obama, he needs to stop handing the N-cons so much material from Van Jones to Acorn...and start having some fun with the Fargo girls....