Friday, October 27, 2017

Hurt So Good

c'mon baby make it hurt so good

so Trump did a good job highlighting the drug problems America has...oh sure he threw in the border wall which has NOTHING to do with drugs...a wall will not stop drugs from reaching the junkies...


and wisely Trump says alcohol is just as bad as any other drug...Trump doesn't drink or smoke and does not seem addicted to anything except Twitter and power...and pussy!

so I'm all for the war on drugs because drugs are just stupid and only lazy, stupid people do drugs..lazy stupid people clog society!!!

but what Trump doesn't realize is that the News-Press, Wendy and Nipper, are booze pimps...they push booze in the News-Press like a homeless person pushes aluminum cans in a shopping cart

BOOZE IS EVERYWHERE!!! Prohibition didn't work...Santa Barbara's got the new booze infused Funk's got the Wine, Beer, and Tequila Festivals...and of course the stoners and pot use will increase

there are more recreational drug users in Santa Barbara than any place on earth!! nowadays even the slightest little pain sends some people to the opiate aisle....or to the bar...or to the liquor store where Nipper would be working if Wendy wasn't wealthy

look, I'm no good at being noble, but it doesn't take much to see that the problems of some stupid, little people in Santa Barbara don't amount to a hill of beans in this crazy world...

here's looking at you, kid

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