Thursday, May 10, 2018

Brown Eyed Handsome Man

Way back in history 3000 years
Back ever since the world begin
There's been a whole lotta good women shed a tear
For a brown eyed handsome man

I'm by a dry creek bed leaning on my truck looking for..whoa...a big bird rises up out of the creek bed with a loud swoosh and lands in a tree close by...we stare at each other until we're comfy with each other...a great turkey vulture..a very handsome fella!

but I knew he was feeding on something so I peered into the little creek and saw a rib cage, then the head of a deer...awesome!! maybe a coyote or mountain lion got him..or Ted Nugent meybe! I reached down into that there crik and with my David Bowie knife cut me off a big venison steak

I talked to the vulture for awhile then left him to do what he does best..

clean up after others

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