Monday, November 26, 2018

Blowin' In The Wind

the answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind

now the conservatives think that God is punishing California with wild fires for being liberal..some conservatives think that raking the forests will keep the fires at bay..the libs think it's all due to climate change

but it's population overload....fires are natural except when they burn property and people, then they are the wrath of God!!

but consider the California population in 1970 vs 2018
2018: 37000000
1970: 19000000

the pro-growthers just build build build without a thought that Calif is a semi-desert and when those devil winds start blowing, and the private electrical companies provide the sparks, then look out sub-divisions!!

go forth and multiply...that was a biblical typo, it should have read: go NORTH and multiply

there's this guy over at Noozhawk who does a Christian column and he's very creepy..talks about "feeling God's pleasure" with talk like this: "Do you feel His pleasure? Well, I can tell you from experience that there’s nothing more exhilarating than knowing you are in God’s will."

no spiritual person needs to talk like this because it is crazy the News-Press has Christian boob Andy Caldwell preaching the loon's gospel and now Noozhawk's got one

what is it with these conservatives?? all I can say is keep the kids away from these dudes because it sounds like a pastor up to no good...

crazy pastors and too many people and the conservative solution is:

add more lanes to the freeways and smoke pot

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