Thursday, November 5, 2020

Psychotic Reaction

oh little girl psychotic reaction

so who's running the friggin country?

while we wait for the BIDEN/TRUMP votes to be counted, some races have already been decidered...Salud beat Andy Caldwell again, no surprise there.. Andy's ads were full of ANTIFA IS GONNA GIT YA nonsense and the conservatives just don't get it...teabagger propaganda does not work in California

AOC and the Squad who struck so much fear in Trump and his groupies WON BIG!! congrats AOC.. but I still can't buy a GREEN NEW DEAL hoodie! they are sold out

pot initiatives passed across the country which can't be good.. I hope someday the USA will be as evolved as New Zealand

locally, the schools are wrestling with s-e-x education: look, the kids are gonna learn anyway from their friends! but the rightwingers are hooked on abstinence and the leftwingers have only prurient interests

like me

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