LOS ANGELES (Aug. 12) -- Talk radio host Dr. Laura Schlessinger has issued an apology for saying the N-
Dr. Laura Schlessinger apologized for saying the N-word several times during her talk radio show. Schlessinger said she pulled herself off the air at the end of the hour. During the exchange on Tuesday's show, Schlessinger said the woman who called herself Jade was too sensitive for complaining that her husband's friends made racist comments about her in their home. When the woman asked if the N-word was offensive, Dr. Laura said "black guys say it all the time," then went on to repeat it several times.Schlessinger did not direct the epithet at the woman, but said she used it to suggest how often she hears it, and that it should not automatically be cause for offense. When the caller objected, Schlessinger replied: "Oh, then I guess you don't watch HBO or listen to any black comedians."Schlessinger also said that if the caller did not have a sense of humor about race, she shouldn't have entered into an interracial marriage.
Dr.'s a is skanky for real!!
I just read the transcript. Dr. Laura's "horrible mistake" wasn't just using the N-word. Her mistake was constantly interrupting her caller, disagreeing with her, accusing her of being hypersensitive and then belittling her rather than offering suggestions. What's the point of trying to help people, Dr. Laura, when it's obvious you're not interested in helping them? You'd rather insult them.
I wonder how many of Dr. Laura's callers were verbally abused as children by their parents. Verbal abuse seems to be Dr. Laura's forté. So when they want advice and their parents aren't available, these callers turn to someone just like their parents -- abusive. Yes, it IS time for Dr. Laura to quit. Be the change you want to see in the world. Stop the abuse.
She has been talking to her son the comedian and cartoonist. They are always frustrated they can't say what they want. He was finally able express himself on his short tour of Afghanistan.
She's just taking it out on niggers because fags can now legally marry in her state.
and don't forget all those spics who are here illegally!
Miss Directed Aggression
She had been saving up for that explosion and I agree it was not merely over the one caller.
What doesn't put a bug up Dr. Laura's hole? Didn't she marry an exterminator, a loon that is crazy about a bugs life and death? She use to go ballistics when two religions got together for holy matrimony, like her and Mr. Bug. Now she has all the different colors of the rainbow engaging in relationships. What about the constitution and Prop 8! Drug cartels keep crossing the border to stock US consumers! What next honest workers keeping her in lettuce? No wonder she lost her grip, her world is collapsing.
Jade sent her over the edge just by making one little phone call. How frail she is. We can only hope they fortify her little bubble and keep reality and facts far, far away. The Dr. Laura therapist act sure went out the window fast. How many more mixed relation callers will her screener allow now?
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